By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Abundance

13 Unreal Myths People Have About Psychic Manifestation

You have the ability to manifest everything you want.

You can manifest a lot of things, but not everything. When you put forth the energy to manifest, be realistic with your intention and desires. This doesn't mean to think small with your ideas. It means just to be practical about what you want and what you need.

The Law of Attraction works only for spiritual people.

Not true. Many people who aren't spiritual at all use the Law of Attraction as it contains a lot of common sense principles that draw people to you. If you approach everything from a more positive mindset, you will naturally attract more people like you.

If you lack the skill set of what you want, you will not manifest it.

Some people just assume that you need to have specific qualifications to make something manifest. This is especially true of those who hold themselves back because they don't have a degree or the life experience. Part of life is just determination and the willingness to do the work.

Manifestation is only about acquiring material wealth.

Manifestation isn't really about money or being wealthy. It is about creating abundance in the form of opportunity. Money is a potential outcome of opportunity, as is a relationship. If you have been given a chance to meet someone who is vibrating to the same frequency as you, then you have the opportunity to manifest a relationship with them in some form. This relationship could take the form of a career opportunity, a romantic relationship, or just a spiritual connection that deepens the both of you.

You have to "know" what the Law of Attraction is for it to work for you.

People can manifest without having any knowledge they are doing so. At the heart of it are the intention of what you want, the determination to see the outcome, and the belief in yourself and what you are doing. If you are doing that, then you can manifest and may have done so successfully in the past without you being consciously aware that was what you were doing.

All thoughts must be positive and under your control.

Thoughts come and go, and we should never punish ourselves for having feelings that appear negative in nature. Awareness and releasing them is the key. Allow yourself to have the free-flowing of thoughts and emotion, or else they will become trapped and repressed in your body.

It takes time. Lots and lots of time.

You can manifest an outcome very quickly if everything is in place. Sometimes things will take time, and that requires patience. It just depends, so have faith and keep on keeping on with what you're doing.

Money will make you happy.

Money can make life easier, but it will not affect your emotional state. Sometimes it will tear people apart when there is more of it, so be careful what you ask for when you manifest. Manifesting requires transformation, and that can be enlightening and also painful.

Manifestation is about controlling your destiny.

When you are in the process of manifesting, you will not control your destiny. Manifestation is you interacting with the Universe and exercising your free will. It is about letting go of expectation with the hope of the Universe, and you will bring forth something better for you.

You don't have to take any action for things to happen.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to manifest something into reality is that they assume because it will happen that they don't have to do anything. Nothing could be more wrong! You have to take action. The Universe will not just give you something for your efforts if all you do in return is nothing. You will have to work for it.

Abundance is challenging to obtain and makes me look greedy.

There is nothing greedy in wanting a life of abundance. We all want happiness and fulfillment. Abundance looks different to different people, so shift your thoughts away from thinking it is about excess. It is about having the right amount for you and being grateful for what you have in return.

I don't deserve what I want.

A lot of times, people won't try to manifest because they believe they are unworthy of it. Working on releasing these negative beliefs and feelings will help you in your step towards manifesting, and you can do that spiritual work by yourself or with a real psychic who offers energy healing and psychic insights. You do deserve all that life has to offer, so don't let fear get in the way!

The end result will be worth it all.

Will it? It depends on what you are trying to manifest and how you go about doing it. Not everyone decides to manifest in ways that are beneficial to them, and that is why the Law of Attraction can be so tricky! Sometimes you will reveal more of a learning lesson that can lead you to manifest better in the future. This is why being very clear about what you want to manifest and working out any issues you have beforehand will help end in a better result.

In the end, you may want to work with real psychics with online psychic readings to help you gain clarity on what is you hope to manifest and see how that will unfold. You will have the opportunity to see potential outcomes and maybe shift your vibration to a higher level before things go awry. A psychic's ability to tap into the timeline of your manifestation can prove very useful to you and save you time and effort. They can also help you with any speed bumps or doubts you have about the process.