3 Steps To Overcome A Poverty Mindset
Have you ever met someone who always talks about all the things they don't have and is jealous of others who seem to have it all? That is a poverty mindset.

When we sit in a feeling of lack, we can quickly become consumed by those feelings and lose sight of the abundance that is in our lives. Abundance isn't about worldly gain or financial wealth. It is about having enough for you and living in a state of gratitude for that. It is a state of mind of clarity, acceptance, and overall appreciation.

If we allow ourselves to circle within the feelings of envy or jealousy, we will push away everything we hold dear over time. The most significant value in abundance is love. How much do you give and receive love? This is where you should focus your abundance. 

Gratitude helps to overcome a poverty mindset. 

Every morning when you wake up and right before you go to bed at night, start to count three things you are grateful for in your life. It can be a person, a feeling, a memory, an opportunity, anything that happened. The important thing is that you focus on what you are grateful for, and by doing so repeatedly, you will begin to see patterns in your life. These patterns will help you deepen your overall sense of gratitude and appreciation and affect your behavior and interactions with people around you. People are naturally drawn to more focused people on the positive side of life rather than the negative.

Releasing fear and negative beliefs helps to overcome a poverty mindset. 

Write a list of all your fears about money and wealth and all your beliefs regarding abundance. Review them and see which ones are based in reality and which are based on experiences you've had or attitudes that have been reinforced that may or may not be accurate. Write a pro and con list for each of them so you can fully understand what is at the root of these fears and beliefs. Write affirmations that will help reverse these negative beliefs and recite them daily. Also, consider creating art or writing a fictional story that enables you to come to terms with these beliefs and expresses the anxieties in a transformative way. You will notice that you will shift each time you do this to a more abundance mindset.

Being mindful and practicing grounding yourself helps to overcome a poverty mindset. 

The moment we ground ourselves and become present at the moment, we begin to value our lives as they are. This awareness allows us to engage with others from a higher vibration and releases the need to circle in fear or anxiety of things we cannot control. Take time to practice mindfulness throughout your day, re-centering yourself as needed, to help you stay in feelings of gratitude and abundance. Over time, this will be more natural to you, but you may need to give yourself patience and compassion while practicing mindfulness. Be consistent with it, and you will notice a shift in your overall mindset within a few weeks.

Are you in need of assistance in releasing fear and attracting more abundance? Feel free to reach out to one of our expert psychics for an online psychic reading today.