By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Releasing Negativity

5 Completely Different Meditation Practices to Clear Out Negativity Recommended by Real Psychics

Humming Meditation

Humming meditation is easy to do. It requires that you sit still, breathe, and hum. Tune into your body and relax. Notice everything around you and breathe and hum. The ritual can last from 2 minutes to an hour, depending on what you hope to take away from your experience.

The act of humming stills our minds as we are concentrating on the sound as well as the sensation we are feeling in our bodies. It can be a fantastic meditation practice as it teaches us how to focus and relax at the same time. As we are humming, we learn to sit and just be still even when there is craziness going on all around us. After we have completed our meditation, we will feel centered and joyous from the experience.

When we practice humming meditations, we are clearing out anxiety and fears that are being physically held in our bodies. Some researchers have suggested that humming triggers the vagus nerve and, by doing so, helps to alleviate depression. Studies have shown that the practice can help keep our sinuses clear.

Humming meditations are great for those who are awakening to their psychic abilities as it will tune their whole body to the vibration of the Universe. It is also great for a nighttime ritual before bed, as it will relax you.

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is more than just walking. It is the practice of walking in a state of mindfulness without no goal or intentions to go anywhere specifically. It is not really about physical exercise, but about opening our senses and being alert as we walk on a path that has spiritual meaning to us. We become more aware of our bodies and our physical location as we take every step. Walking meditations are typically slow walks about 20 minutes to an hour long.

It is easy to incorporate a walking meditation into your day during a break or lunch hour. You may also choose to practice it at the end of your day, so there is no pressure, and you can work out any negativity you have from your day as you walk. Some places have a labyrinth you may roam through. Labyrinths are an excellent way to perform a walking meditation as they allow you to step into it and then out of it as a way spiritual clearing any negativity.

Psychic Mediums find this type of meditation useful as it helps ground them in the physical world while still allowing them to experience spiritual communication. It is a great way to maintain both the spirit and body.

Creative Meditation

Creative meditation can take the form of painting or doodling with no real intention of creating a working piece of art. It is meant to be an expression of both sides of the brain to alleviate stress and anxiety by exercising it out in a physical form. For some, the act of creativity itself is a form of meditation regardless of the product finished is good or not. During these types of meditation, people become very focused on the act of creating and may become super aware of their surroundings. It is essential to be mindful of your breathing during these types of meditation, as it is easy to get swept up in the process of creating. Some artists naturally see the act of creating art as meditative but don't see it as an actual meditation, so they don't take the steps needed to be present with it to experience its' full benefits.

Freewriting is also another form of creative meditation. For some people, this is a daily journaling practice that involves just pouring out all the thoughts that come to you on a piece of paper. The papers can be kept or discarded, but the point of them is not the finished product. It is about the physical release of stress and anxiety buried in the subconscious mind coming out and being released. This practice can also be combined with affirmation writing.

There are some forms of art that psychics will practice as a form of creative meditation. Mandala creation is one such practice, as is drumming. Some methods of creative meditation allow a psychic to go deeper into a trance-like state and help them connect with the spiritual realm. Psychic Mediums will sometimes practice random doodling to help them tune in, and this is a form of creative meditation they do during psychic mediumship with clients.

Tarot Meditation

Customarily used for Tarot card readings, you can also use them for your own meditation practices. This type of meditation results varies depending on the intention and the individual. Some psychics will pick a card and observe it for several minutes, breathe deeply, and then begin to meditate on that card. They will allow images to come and go in their mind's eye, and the practice can deepen your intuitive skills and make you a better Tarot card reader.

When doing this type of meditation, it is best not to focus too much on what you believe the meaning of the cards are and what they are trying to tell you and just let it be. This way, you allow the cards to guide you rather than you forcing meaning upon them. You may find yourself thinking about the imagery and essence of your meditation throughout the day and even dreaming about it later that night. Tarot meditations are a great way to begin inner spiritual work as they will allow you to tune in and release past traumas gradually that you may not consciously be aware of at the moment.

Spontaneous Meditation

This type of meditation has come about due to our fast-paced lifestyles and a need to integrate at least some peace of mind into our busy workday. It is best practiced as a quick 5-minute meditation, but can be taken down to 2 minutes. The practice is just a shortened version of mindfulness meditation where you are present, and you clear your mind and breathe deeply. Feel your presence in your body and be aware of your surroundings. Be at peace without judgment, and allow your stress and thoughts just to melt away as you take a few moments to yourself. It is a great way to center yourself and regroup during a hectic day when moments of stress and negativity overwhelm you at times.

Psychics may use this type of meditation practice in between client sessions to ground themselves and clear out any negative energy they have picked up during their psychic readings because its strength lies in the randomness of it and brevity.

In the end, whatever meditation practice you choose, make sure to include it daily for your self-care and spiritual development.