By Guest on Thursday, 27 February 2020
Category: Family

8 Psychic Keys to Forging Forward When Family is Unsupportive

How often do you strive to forge forward, but you don't seem to get very far? Do you have a family who unknowingly is holding you back from becoming your most refined version? Family dynamics are strange at best, and whether you realize it or not, your loved ones have a powerful influence on your life. If you are not careful the decisions you are making, you could end up living the life your family desires.

Be mindful of the time you are spending with family.

The amount of time you spend with your loved ones is crucial. When you spend time with people, and you know you are living in different worlds, their reality often becomes your reality. If you are spending an extended amount of time with anyone, it can result in you absorbing their energy. Your family members are most likely decent but tend to hold you back because they do not know or understand your journey.

Don't be afraid to decrease the time spent with your family.

When they are on a different frequency, they might be a drain on your energy. You want and need to be around those who are promoting your higher self. Those who are willing to see you through to your wildest dreams. No need to explain yourself, throw them loving-kindness, and get busy with your plans. For further guidance, contact a psychic reader specializing in family dynamics.

Start to recognize your programming.

Everyone has different programming based on the generation they were born. To keep it simple, parents mean well. However, they were born and grew up at different times. Their dreams and aspirations were tailored to the era in which they were born. The world changes every day, and what may have been prosperous then, may not be now. It is called a generation gap, and it is natural. The point is not to end up living in someone else's generation. Be who you were born to be, in your generation because the advice you may be receiving is from another age. Real psychics are willing to assist you in this area.

Be more faithful to yourself than anyone else around.

For example, if you have a particular diet that you have chosen for a variety of reasons and your family is not on the same page, continue with your beliefs, and do not be swayed. If your family is inviting you to eat fast food, fried food, or products, you do not wish to consume, they are holding you back from becoming your most refined version. Your diet should be in place to promote your well-being and health. The most important step when choosing a particular food is to do your research. Know why an alkaline or plant-based diet is healthier than the alternatives. Call a Tarot reader online for a psychic reading for guidance.

Step into empathy and put yourself in your family's shoes.

Be specific from whom you are seeking advice. Often, we notice people projecting their reality onto us, their fear, and their limitations, especially family. It is imperative to use discernment. If someone is telling you how to live your life, ask yourself, Are they happy with the life they are living? Are they living a similar lifestyle? Once you put yourself in their shoes, their background comes into place, their experiences, maybe it did not work for them, perhaps it did. Take everything into consideration. To become your most refined version, you want to be walking your path and not being pulled into anyone else's. This is why a mentor is crucial. Find a mentor who is living the dream you aspire to live. You will have all the support necessary to forge forward. For additional clarity, seek a psychic reading online.

Remember that their lack of support is not that personal.

Most people are so busy in their life they don't have time to worry about you. You may think it is personal due to the tone of voice people may use when they are speaking to you. Most likely, they mean well, and most people want to see you happy, some do not. Some people want to see you struggle the way they did. Please don't take it personally, this is another form of holding you back, and they don't even realize it.

Sometimes we project our fear outwards.

When people have not lived it themselves, they will always put a little fear into it. Do not get paralyzed by someone else's concern. Please don't take advice from someone who never tried to reach their dreams. They are called dream snatchers. It is wise to keep your goals and dreams to yourself. People from all walks of life come along to encourage or discourage you based on their life experiences. They are a gift to be seen as unexpected teachers. Again, use your discernment.

Please do not fall into the people-pleasing pit.

Anxieties and depression are born of fatigue and loneliness. Fatigue is commonly the result of people-pleasing because it requires so much energy. You cannot please everyone. Even if you try, you wind up with obligations and broken promises. Loved ones who unknowingly hold you back from forging forward, a lot of the time, it has nothing to do with them. It has everything to do with you, and how you feed into them, how you use these people to justify where you are. At the end of the day, there are no brownie points. It is irrelevant what your parents want you to do, the same with what your partner wants you to do, and your friends. At the end of your life, after you have mastered being a people pleaser, you are full of regrets and wish you hadn't listened because you have taken the road most traveled. Take the road less traveled! Do your own thinking. It is up to you to stay steadfast and persevere down your chosen path.

Each situation and each piece of advice holds its own magic. Find your magic within! Trust and believe in yourself!