7 Crucial Psychic Steps to Attract Abundance Part 2

Step 5: Be like a water faucet. Trust that the water will continue to flow and let go.

If you are walking down the street carrying all of the packages you can manage, and a woman walks up to you to hand you the most amazing gift you have ever laid your eyes on...how will you be able to accept it? The only way that you can receive more is to hold onto less.

Abundance is not yours...it flows through you. You do not create it...you allow it. It is available for everyone (in different forms and to varying degrees at any one time). When you share your abundance, the Universe receives the message that you are a portal for others to receive. You will then begin to see the abundance that flows through your life that is meant for others. Share, and you will receive even more. The key is trust.

Trust that you are deserving. Trust that you are so cared for that you will want for "no thing." This does not mean that all of your "wants" will be met...but your needs will be. To begin to trust that a whole team of Divine Beings is helping you, start with this simple (but not always easy) affirmation. "I am loved. I am cared for. An abundance of all forms flows through my life. I have all I need, and more is on its way." Using this affirmation will likely bring up fears and truths that you may not even realize you are holding onto. Working with a psychic to uncover these truths can often be very helpful. It is time to strip your truths down to YOUR truths.

Step 6: Remove truths that are not your own.

In order to manifest abundance, we must first remove any visible or hidden "truths" that you are holding onto in your consciousness. For me, I had to remove the fear of lack. My father worked in an industry where layoffs were reasonably common. He was the sole income for our household, and my parents had five children together. Even though I followed a career path that was very different from my father's, his layoffs created a space of fear and lack in my subconscious. I felt I always had to be prepared for the next experience of lack.

When I began to examine my relationship with money and more accurately with abundance, letting go of this "truth" was vital. This does not mean that I do not plan ahead or save money for when the cycle of abundance is in a moment of ebb...it means that I do so consciously and without fear.

Abundance, like all life, is experienced in a pattern of ebb and flow. During moments of ebb, take deep breaths and use this time to examine. Are you living your truth? Are you holding onto other people's fears? Are there any places where you are out of integrity? I often find that I learn the most when I am in the space of ebb. Ah, Ebb and Flow.. my favorite friends of this realm! This is when I grow. This is when I can identify what is standing in my way to what I desire.

If you are having a difficult time seeing where you are blocking your path, a psychic reading with a psychic empath can help remove those blocks. Celebrate when Ebb shows up and take advantage of going deep to remove those truths that are no longer serving you.

Step 7: Practice non-attachment.

So here is the shortcut...the the magic word to experience non-attachment...ready... I'm just kidding; there is no shortcut..there is no magic word. Oh wait!! Yes, there is. It is "Thank you!" Okay, so that is two words, but follow me to the magic world of Thank you!

When abundance shows up in your life, say, "Thank you!" When bills show up in your life, say, "Thank you!" Don't just say it, mean it. For every experience that manifests in our life, there is a lesson that we can extract. The more that you choose to say thank you and then let the situation go (whether it is perceived as positive or recognized as unfavorable), the less attachment you will have to the outcome in the future. The less you are attached, the more comfortable you can manifest.

If you want to manifest with ease, you have to surrender and become non-attached to the outcome and how you arrive at the result. Think of it this way. Manifesting is like cooking. I am the chef, and the Universe is the oven. Think of it as real psychic cooking for your soul. I know..how silly!

If I am creating a lasagna, I can buy the ingredients. I can assemble the components, and I can place the lasagna in the oven. I can turn the oven on, but I cannot transform the individual ingredients into one cohesive dish. I have to trust that the oven (Universe) will do its part.

I can estimate the time it will take to be ready for me to eat, but the time frame may vary based on the specific oven and the amount and type of ingredients. To get the best results, I have to be non-attached to the amount of time that it will take to be ready. I have to do my part, but then I have to surrender and let the oven do its part.

I have to let the lasagna (desire) tell me when it is ready. If I keep opening up the oven to see if my creation is prepared...I am slowing down the process by letting the heat out of the oven. Claim your desire (buy the ingredients), take action (assemble the elements), stay in integrity (turn on the stove), surrender (put the creation in the oven). Allow the Universe to deliver your co-creation in the perfect divine timing. Affirmations can help with this step.

Practice this affirmation, "I trust that the Universe will deliver to me all my needs at the perfect divine time." You can insert anything into this affirmation that you are currently working on to attract to you...the Universe does love when you are specific.

One of the essential points to remember is that it is a practice. We are in this realm to learn to evolve. Each day is filled with choices. Choose non-attachment. Choose a celebration. Choose abundance. You are worthy, and I see you in the flow!

Psychic Kileen

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