By on Thursday, 16 September 2021
Category: Zodiac Compatibility


Sun Sign Compatibility  

These two Sun signs see the world differently. Libra is focused on the superficial beauty while Scorpio looks deep within the layers to see the complexity. Both could learn from each other's perspective. This is a relationship meant for growth.

When these two meet, they help each other see the world better. Libra learns to see the layers and deeps in the mystery of life whereas Scorpio learns not to take things so seriously and look too deeply at everything. There is balance between their perspectives, if they are open to adjusting.

Modality Compatibility  

Libra's cardinal energy is friction against the Scorpio's fixed energy. Libra desires passion and change within the relationship whereas Scorpio can only offer passion. This energy works well in the beginning, but may end up having an addictive effect on the Libra who will want more from the Scorpio who may not be able to offer what they're looking for ideally. Libra will need to learn how to accept the Scorpio as they are for it to work or Scorpio will lose affection.

Element Compatibility ​ 

This Air and Water sign makes heavy rain together. Libra's fair-minded demeanor comes off as superficial to the perceptive Scorpio. There is an emotional disconnect here. These two would do well to spend time harnessing their emotions and feelings with each other and how they want this relationship to evolve. If Libra is honest with the Scorpio, the Scorpio may be open to it.

Energetic Strengths ​ 

The strength in this relationship is commitment, if they so choose to make it work. Libra wants to please the Scorpio and will do anything to create harmony between them. Scorpio, if they desired, could submit and allow passion to flow. The way they connect is by spending time together building that emotional bond between them.

Energetic Challenges ​ 

The challenge in this relationship is the tension between power of wills. Both want the other to see the world their way so they must learn to appreciate each other's perspective to have a chance at anything, even friendship. Taking time away from each other and also taking time privately with each other on a long weekend will help them to deepen their relationship and appreciate what they have and what each other brings into the relationship.

How to Create Astrological Balance​ 

Unless they're willing to love each other without conditions, this relationship will be rife with conflict. Libra's superficiality doesn't sit well with the mysterious and deep-thinking Scorpio. Libra will need to have more depth in order for it to work for Scorpio's intensity. Their added desire for harmony makes it possible for a relationship, but both will need to do soul growth for the relationship to be successful.