By on Thursday, 16 September 2021
Category: Zodiac Compatibility


Sun Sign Compatibility  

These two Sun signs have the possibility of learning a lot from one another. Libra's presence in the Virgo's life can help them loosen up and be more optimistic whereas the Virgo can help the Libra be more hardworking and analytical. Growth is key to this union.

Dating may be a challenge at first as Libra will want to go out while Virgo will prefer to stay in. The extroverted and introverted dynamic of these two will prove a challenge, but they will see the benefit in having a partner that is different in this way especially when needing to socialize and needing to recoup their energy.

Modality Compatibility 

The cardinal energy of the Libra could inspire the Virgo's mutable energy. Libra challenges the Virgo to come out of their shell and enjoy the beautiful things in life. They will enjoy quiet time in nature especially out hiking or at a coffee shop. Joy will be found in sharing small moments together.

Element Compatibility ​ 

This Air sign and Earth sign have challenges. Libra is often too detached for the grounded Virgo to connect with on any level. Learning how to communicate with each other will be crucial and Virgo will need to be patient with the stubborn Libra to make that happen. Meditating or practicing yoga together may help to establish more of an emotional and spiritual connection.

Energetic Strengths ​ 

The strength in this relationship is a need and desire for harmony. Both signs will work hard to keep things light and filled with love between each other. Airing things out while taking a brisk walk will help establish harmony and ease tensions. Practicing hobbies and shared interests will also allow them opportunities to share personal experiences and details about themselves with each other.

Energetic Challenges ​ 

The challenges of this relationship are due to unhealthy boundaries and communication issues. Libra will have a hard time expressing themselves while Virgo may be too quick to judge them and set unrealistic expectations. Spending time working on themselves and their own soul growth will do wonders for this couple.

How to Create Astrological Balance​ 

There is potential here with a lot of work and compromise. Libra will need to allow room for the Virgo to have space and the Virgo will need to be less critical of the Libra especially during stages of growth. Both are better off as friends, but could have a romantic relationship together for a few years.