By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Abundance

Money, Money, Money! Can You Feel The Psychic Vibration?

What happens when we chase money? Did you know, a vast majority of the population are chasing money? What happens when we pursue something? It implies that another thing is running away. In the same way, we track a relationship, and the other person feels that energy coming off of you, and they think, 'whoa, I'm going to step back from this!'

Are you in a mindset of scarcity? Are you feeling a sense of lack? Are you always flat out broke?

This brief overview will assist you in understanding the vibration of money. It will also help you know how you can acquire more of it by following why money would even come to you in the first place.

Dr. Joe Dispenza says, our vibration is a combination of what we think, how we feel, and what we do. Respectfully too, when it comes to money. What would money think, how would it feel, and what actions would it take? This exercise is to give a general idea of our relationship with money.

If you are having negative thoughts about money, and if money could think, would it want to be around you?

The same with people, if you are thinking negatively about someone, rest assured they do not want to be in your presence. Now, you are getting the idea of the relationship we have with money. Understanding this helps understand the vibration of money itself. Imagine again if you have negative thoughts about money, and money could feel into your energetic field that you are just trying to use money without understanding what money is. There are many beliefs when it comes to our finances, and perhaps we have inherited them from our parents. Many people view money as paper that we see physically. We are socially conditioned to view money as good or bad, and it can be hard to make. Money is all these facets of beliefs that get handed down through time from people we know. The beautiful thing is when we become aware of our expectations, we can then begin to let them go. And when we become aware, we can also say, 'that is not even my belief!' A real psychic may be able to offer further insight into faith and your beliefs regarding wealth.

What is it that we believe about money?

Ask yourself, 'Does money come to me easily?' What constitutes me receiving money quickly? I think that people get far too focused on getting money and not nearly focused enough on giving, or the value. Let's say that money wants to go to people who are adding value because the people who are adding value are creating more systems, and resources to develop more and more profit. Have you heard the saying, "the more you give, the more you get?"

Then there are those, driving miles and miles to purchase lottery tickets, or who sit and meditate on receiving money. This perspective, in particular, is the reason most people do not have money. They are still focusing on the 'getting' and not the energy dynamic of the value.

The money will come to you when you are providing more value in return. Get into the mindset of creating something that will produce more ways for the payment to go to you. It is so important to adopt the attitude of creating value, rather than when you receive it, and you only want to spend it. It is the energy you are putting out that is blocking you from winning. As well, this type of attitude will not put you in vibrational resonance with what you are seeking.

What I am saying is money is this; money is energy.

Money in our physical reality is something we give power to as a collective consciousness. Even as in different countries, there is import/export, or, this much money will get you this many goods. Pretty much it is an agreement that we make for the energy exchange.

Therefore, money has no power other than what we give it. It is a strange concept, take a moment to let it sink in. It would help if you decided what money means for you.

Some believe that money was the root of all evil, an awful thing. Upon awakening, many are challenged by those beliefs. These thoughts caused them to have a negative attitude, money is not of pure vibration, and they did not want it. When we agreed to this physical reality, and part of the game we are playing while we are here is to learn to use our resources (money, being one of our resources) to create value for ourselves. Perhaps you are building a lifestyle, or maybe you are giving it to someone else to help them get by. Whatever it is, this is about understanding the philosophy about money and what it means to you. Realize, if you are chasing money or having negative thoughts about money, you are blocking yourself from it. You may have one or more areas where you are stuck. A Tarot reader online can assist you with chakra balancing.

If you change your thoughts about money, you will begin to attract it. Do something with money that creates more value. Remember, money is energy. A real psychic online can guide you through a Distance Energy Healing that can help realign you with the energy of wealth and abundance. Are you blocked energetically?

What kind of value are you putting out into the world?

If you find your purpose, that is the value. Living your purpose adds excellent value in one form or another, for the greater good of all.

There are laws here: the Law of Attraction, the Law of Exchange, Karma.

In essence, whatever you put out, whatever you give will be what you get back in life.

Reach out to a psychic keen on helping you with your finances. Ask them, where can you make the necessary adjustments to begin adding value?