Psychic Aaria Moon Explains Law of Attraction: It's Not What You Think

So many of my clients come to me needing a change… stuck in a "rut"... loveless and hopeless. They want a simple workaround to fix this or that. The truth is, it is work. The Universe has allowed you Free Will; the ability to do as you please, think as you please, and say as you please. The choice is yours- that is your freedom.

We will start with love. That is a great example! Lonely and heartbroken, no options to even pick from? What energy are you putting out there? What are your vibes? What is your...ENERGY? The answers to these questions surround the most important thing you could ever master.

What does that mean, Aaria? What are you getting at? The simple yet most complex thing ever…. The Law Of Attraction.

What you put out is what you get back.

Simple….but…. So very complex. What are you hanging on to? What situation always gives you bad vibes and energy? Those negative, sludgy feelings stick to you, like tar. We walk around with spongy energy day in and day out, especially if you are an Empath.

The situations that we go through, the experiences that we have… all of which stick to us and make us who we are right this moment. It molds us; changes us.

If you continue to have a negative perspective of a situation or even a negative outlook of life- that is what will be returned to you. You will have negative experiences and negative emotions—broken relationships. You will continue to have things fall apart. You will not have follow-through. You will have troubles in love, finances, home, and life just in general. You will wonder why "things aren't going anywhere."

Every bad situation has a silver lining. It is what makes the Universe have perfect balance. It is up to you to decide how to handle that situation and how to transmute the negative. It is ok to be sad or angry. It is what those emotions do for you.

Do you stay angry? Or do you use your anger to change that anger into joy? Do not allow the negative to stay- make it constructive. Do something with it.

I explain it to my clients this way… It is like we are sitting at a diner chatting, and we decide to have coffee. The waitress comes around to fill up our mugs… and guess what? We were too busy chatting that our coffee was never drunk, and now it's cold! The waitress can not even top us off with hot and fresh coffee to alleviate us of our cold coffee! Same Concept! You keep the negative- the sludge- the bad- around, you will not have any room for the positive to come in. Therefore, zero abundance. Zero blessings. Zero love. Zero light.

It is time to transmute! It is time to change all of that. Once your energy is balanced, you will emit love and light. Guess what you will get back? You guessed it… Love.

Psychic Aaria Moon 

Aaria Moon is available as a psychic reader at MeetYourPsychic at extension 1606.