Chapter One: Protection
When one begins any journey, she must take all possible precautions she can; to protect herself from any disaster seen, unseen or probable. You go hiking in the Arizona Mountains; you should know to take several jugs of water. A few for your car, several for you and any other living creature with you; be it friends, family or your Golden Retriever, Spencer. If, like me, you grew up in Arizona, you also learn to bring along a couple of bags of Doritos. Should you dehydrate (i.e. heatstroke), in order to replace water, you need to eat something salty and dry (i.e. Saltines, too) and then drink water so you do not immediately pee it out. Basic desert survival as taught in Arizona schools when I was growing up.
Thus, I will start with protection as I guide you on the journey of discovering and/or rediscovering your psychic and mediumistic gifts. For, like the desert, there are some basic equipment and rules for your safest adventure.
Here is what you'll need:
*Pencil or other writing utensil
*A comfortable place to sit, write or study.
Optional, but helpful:
*Incense (i.e. stick or cones)
*Incense Holder
*A CD Player/Computer
*New Age CD or Natural Sound CD
*An open-mind
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please know that, without protection, the worst case scenario, in psychic work will be headaches, emotional imbalance and minor physical discomfort.
As long as you're seeking to better and enhance your life, you will not, cannot be possessed by disincarnate entities or spirits or ghosts. Those are the machinations of movies, drug addicts, the mentally ill and religious groups trying to keep you away from learning more in this New Age.
The only other danger will be the messages you receive in readings. Without some sort of protection technique, for clear and highest level messages, you may see and attract negative and lower energy messages. They make everyone depressed or drained.
Thus, take a few minutes and do one or both of these techniques.
The White Light Technique
This is probably the most widely known one and the fastest way to protect oneself before any sort of spiritual endeavors.
Go to that comfortable place, light your incense; sage is excellent for this. Any incense which resonates for you will do. You can light a candle or several. In this case white candles are the best. Shut out or off all distractions (cell phones, television set), play natural sounds or music only CD. Go sit in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes.
Imagine a pure white brilliant light emanating from above – the highest realm. Some call it Heaven or the Universe, God,Source or Creator; as long as you know, imagine and feel it as the highest, most positive source of illumination.
See this white light of the highest realm wash down into the top of your head and light up your internal organs, bloodstream and surround your entire body head to toe. Then you are filled with this all loving, unconditionally loving white light emanating around you and throughout you, like a force field of positive loving highest energy; and this light will be with you throughout your endeavors. You are truly psychically protected and will now attract only positive energies.
You can also do this quickly by saying "white light" and seeing (in your mind's eye), the light washing over you.
I often use it when I am walking alone and/or feel uncomfortable. It comforts me to know I am surrounded by the highest good, attracting only higher level energies. At times, when I've felt extremely unsafe, I will say, "White light surrounds me, God is with me!"
The Velvet Curtain of Protection
This is another one that I utilize and is excellent when you feel unsafe. Whether you feel the danger is from lower level energies or actual living human beings who may wish to do harm. This is excellent after doing the White Light Technique as it provides a stronger, impenetrable force field around your positive light.
This is also a very important technique to use when you are opening up your psychic and medium gifts. Many strange things will and usually happen and the Velvet Curtain of Protection will help you keep this under some control. You will be happy I shared this with you!
This can be done in a relaxed way, similar to The White Light Technique, or you can do this the minute you feel in danger or uncomfortable. You can bring it from above or imagine your angels or guides draping a purple or black velvet curtain around you. Some see it as a hooded cloak and others see it as a beautiful shower curtain. It must shield your entire body, head to toe, and just carry it with you. It is the purple or black velvet curtain of invisibility. Strangers and lower energy entities cannot see you underneath this force field of safety, thus, will not see you [as a victim to their crime].
This is what you should expect as you begin opening up to your psychic gifts.
You will attract many things that will be positive, wonderful and good and, as you learn more, things that could be uncomfortable or negative.
Oftentimes, it will only be uncomfortable or negative because it is unknown or has been forgotten. Early in your life you had gifts, we all are born with them, and along the way we are told they are bad, evil or dangerous.
You will begin to see things, or hear things or dream things that, due to them being new or different, may frighten or overwhelm you.
The only other thing I will warn against.
If the visions, voices or feelings are extremely negative [i.e. calling you nasty names or visions of horrible accidents to you or your loved one's], or give you an urge/feeling to harm yourself or others – you must stop immediately.
Those can be signs of either -- lower negative entities and you didn't do any protection, or a sign of a mental or medical illness. If the negativity persists, you must see a mental or medical health professional, or both.