Spirits remain Earthbound, because they do not want to cross over into the light.They are addicts that feed off of negative energy.Don't buy into that.If you have been experiencing a recurring pattern of unhealthy behavior, where you pick a fight with a loved one for no apparent reason every couple of weeks, you most likely have a Spirit Attachment.You can rid yourself of this "Darkness" or "Lower Energy", by assertively telling them to leave.
In addition, you should use a Sage Smudge Stick (Preferably one with Cedar for Protection and Sweetgrass to attract Positivity) and clear your space for 7 days. For those that don't like the smoke, alternative methods include drinking sage tea brewed with fresh leaves or putting Kosher Salt under your tongue.You will notice your energy rises to higher vibrations.Peace and calm will be restored within your body.One of my clients actually felt something leap out of her chest and her Heart Chakra opened during a phone reading (I am a "One and Done" gal and forced that lost soul into the light).