By on Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Category: Zodiac Compatibility


Sun Sign Compatibility

These two Sun signs are the life of the party. Where Sagittarius is adventurous and philosophizing, Leo is the center of attention and seeking praise. Both tend to enchant one another. Dating is thrilling and full of surprises.

When these two get together, everyone will be talking about it! Friends and family will find them charming and electric. As their love deepens, they will find themselves entertaining at home for everyone and less going out. Adventure will come in many forms including passion.

Modality Compatibility  

Sagittarius' mutable energy merges fine with Leo's fixed energy. Sagittarius is easy to adapt to Leo's needs of adoration and being loved. The connection between these two personalities will create a symbiotic relationship of giving and receiving. Sagittarius easily brings out the best traits in Leo. Because of Sagittarius' influence, Leo becomes a much deeper, more thoughtful person.

Element Compatibility ​ 

These two Fire signs have real sparks! Both are optimistic and together thrive in each other's company. Whether they are looking for romance or even a working relationship, these two get things done easily and effortlessly. Sagittarius' need to explore is complemented by Leo's passion for ambition and being entertained. Their social life together is wild and luxurious.

Energetic Strengths ​ 

The strength in this relationship is passion and optimism. These two are very passionate together and live life to its fullest. Sagittarius' adventurous side inspires Leo's love of entertainment. When these two live together, they will host many parties and gatherings. They will also often host events outside of their home together as well. By being together, they inspire others to find the love of their life.

Energetic Challenges ​ 

The challenges in this relationship will be related to ego and finances. Sagittarius' blunt words can hurt the turbulent Leo. They will need to learn how to communicate and choose battles wisely between them. Learning that not every battle should be engaged or won will be the saving grace of their relationship. Money will be spent more than saved and they will need to decide if they want a third party involved, advising them how to manage their finances better.

How to Create Astrological Balance​ 

Highly compatible, these two are electric when they are in love. Once they work through their communication and financial issues, these two can create a lifelong relationship filled with adventure and generosity. They also make incredible lifelong friends and business partners.