By on Monday, 20 September 2021
Category: Zodiac Compatibility


Sun Sign Compatibility 

The stability of the Taurus helps to ground the Cancer and these two can build a loving home life together. As they deepen their relationship, the two become good at listening to each other and intuitively understanding each other's needs. Their connection may be instant, but their love grows stronger over time.

Their home life becomes an oasis that the Taurus financially helps to put together. Cancer may take the lead in the decor, but Taurus is firm with the type of traditional furnishings they desire. There is a sense of safety, warmth, and romance within every room. Pictures of them together in various places are throughout each room and walls.

Modality Compatibility  

Although Taurus is resistant to change, Cancer's loving nature helps provide support towards any transition in life. Taurus is able to pursue outside ambitions with Cancer's support and Cancer becomes more of the center of the home, especially with children. These two have complementary parenting styles with Taurus leading as disciplinarian and Cancer as nurturer.

Element Compatibility ​ 

This Earth and Water sign flow together like a reliable river stream. They can rely upon each other to keep the love between them flowing and grounded at the same time. Taurus will often surprise the Taurus with romantic gifts and gestures so Cancer will feel safe and loved. Cancer will reciprocate with acts of love as well.

Energetic Strengths ​ 

Loyalty and logic is at the heart of this union. Their ability to commit to one another helps them with any challenges. They are able to weather any outside storms for there is little comfort between them. Together they create a harmonious home life where even extended family is welcome to stay with them.

Energetic Challenges ​ 

Taurus's stubbornness and Cancer's need to suppress emotions will create changes throughout the relationship, but their love towards each other helps them to forgive and learn to communicate better as the relationship grows. Making time for each other to go out on long walks or take mini-vacations will be crucial in helping them alleviate stress and encourage them to bond emotionally. At some point, they may need a third party intervention, such as a psychic reader if Cancer becomes too internalized with their emotions.

How to Create Astrological Balance​ 

Highly compatible, Taurus and Cancer can create a long-lasting and loving relationship together as long as they can forgive each other for their weaknesses and learn to love each other unconditionally. Friends and family adore this union and help support them in any way they can. These two will often become an envied relationship of those close to them.