By Guest on Thursday, 27 February 2020
Category: Family

Telling Your Not-So-Spiritual Family and Friends about Your Spiritual Gifts : Advice from Psychic Mystic

We all have them. Spiritual gifts? Yes, indeed! But, on the other hand, we all have some not-so-welcoming friends and family members that think that all things related to psychics are either fake, harmful, or downright evil. Coming from a long line of spiritualists, it wasn't too hard for me to break the news to my family that I was exploring my spiritual gifts, my mom was quite excited being that my gifts have been passed down by some of my relatives on her side. But, there are a few family members and friends that I had to ease into understanding my lifestyle.

If you're struggling with how to tell a loved one that you believe that you have spiritual gifts or have been seeking out the services of someone that operates in spirituality - don't be ashamed or afraid! It's a lot easier than you may think.

Here are a few tips:

1. Consider the beliefs of your loved ones. The best way to ease your loved ones into understanding your gifts or the fact that you've sought out a psychic or tarot reader is to speak their language and align your actions to their beliefs. In the ancient days, it was prevalent for communities, villages, and clans to seek spiritual guidance. Let your family members know that you're operating from love and light and that you're merely looking for advice. There are a lot of similarities between spiritualists, prophets, energy healers, shamans, etc. Sometimes, the terminology that we use to describe ourselves or what we seek can be off-putting to our loved ones, try to re-frame what you're relaying to them in ways that will make more sense to them.

2. Be ready, to be honest, and transparent even if they give you some pushback. Let's be real. Everyone won't accept your choice, but standing firm in it and being resilient will allow your loved ones to understand that you're serious about your spirituality and that it's not a phase or something you'll neglect later down the line.

3. Be compromising. Let's say your loved ones welcome your newfound spirituality, that's great! Be mindful, though, that this could be a very new experience for them. Include them in your practices, explain things to them, and try not to overwhelm them. Yes, your husband might be open to you seeking out the advice of a psychic, but he might not be entirely ready for you to turn the entire house into a metaphysical shop just yet! Take your time and ease your loved ones into this new, fantastic lifestyle of yours.

I hope that these tips help you to be able to share your love for spirituality with your family and friends!

All my best,

Psychic Mystic

Thank you for reading my blog. I am Mystic, and I am a trusted, real psychic with years of experience as a psychic reader and Tarot card reader. I hope to uplift you with regular online psychic readings to provide you with the insight you need. Reach out to me for Tarot readings for love as well as on the family.