By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Abundance

Think Positive Even If You Don't Believe It - Advice from Psychic Empress

Who doesn't need a pick-me-up from time to time? We all do. It is vital to coach yourself during challenging times, new transitions, and higher positions and through changes. Often we doubt our abilities or second guess our capabilities. This only brings down our energy and lowers your confidence. We have to think positive even when we do not believe it. Why… you ask? This is because good vibrations, optimism, and a positive mindset will help you create great patterns for growth. Not only will you gain mental strength and courage, but you will also elevate spirituality. Your life will truly change for the better because through losses and denials, and you will handle then in a "lighter" manner. Meaning, you will learn to understand that rejection is God's protection. You will find the lesson and grow spirituality because you have elevated your mind. You will feel okay even when things do not go your way because you will have a knowing and greater understanding that better blessings are ahead. You will trust your spiritual family to lead you on the right path that awaits you. You will want what God has for you. What is meant for you will be for you. Think about it. A psychic reading from me will include positive thinking and empowerment while you get honest, accurate, and spiritual answers to your questions. Through my continued growth and wisdom, please receive messages from Spirit below.

1. Give yourself permission to be happy. I sincerely do believe happiness is a choice, and when you make this declaration, you will look at life more beautifully. Always find a reason to smile and laugh. Comedians exist for a reason. It is a great thing to feel good even when you don't feel uplifted. Ever laugh at a sassy picture, story, or a joke someone tells a joke at a memorial or homecoming? Of course or you may. As disheartened as you feel inside, you could find yourself laughing unintentionally, even if only for a few seconds? I have. That is a good thing. Just like crying, happiness helps us get through life.

2. Remember, you are powerful. Stand in your courage, and you will be successful. If you got up and tried, then you are a winner. When you do not feel like trying, remind yourself to try, even a little. A little can go a long way. When you are sick and cannot eat, can't smell, and you force yourself to eat some bland soup; think about how great it is going to feel when you can devour your favorite meal again and savor every single bite. I could go for some extra cheesy beef tacos right about now-slathered in guacamole, sour cream, fresh crisp lettuce, cold juicy tomatoes, and a drizzle of hot sauce. What came to mind for you?

3. Your achievements, choices, and actions are honorable. Celebrate yourself! Take pride in yourself because you have dignity. Remember to love yourself by praying for yourself, treating yourself to shopping, or breakfast. Acknowledge your milestones and cleanse physically and spiritually. It is okay to sleep in from time to time, get a facial, body massage, nails done, hair done, even if you do it yourself sometimes. Spend some time on you. You are worth it, and you know when you deserve it.

The overall message from spirit: New Year, a new beginning. Anything that you want to start, start! Begin even if the conditions are imperfect. Yes, I said it. I-m-p-e-r-f-e-c-t. With God, all things are possible. Know that.

As a Psychic Reader, Tarot Card Reader, and Life Coach, I am happy to offer further insights, affirmations, and online psychic readings to help you to train yourself to think positively so that you can be happier. Find out what is next for you. You can live your best life. I am only one text, chat, email, or phone call away. Contact me for Tarot Readings for love and get your insights from a real psychic.

Happiness, Peace, Joy, Blessings, and Abundance!

Psychic Empress