When two Virgos come together, there is a star position in a mutual understanding and values pattern. The relationship between a Virgo and another is characterized by an instant understanding between souls who think similarly. With being an earth sign under Mercury, there is a down-to-earth, detail-conscious, and analytical mind in a relationship in a Virgo. If such a pair of souls meet, it is not rare for these individuals to have a homing instinct in each other's sequential, logical thinking.
The Virgo and Virgo relationship is a mutual admiration for being on point and on time. The two perfectionists admire each other for enjoying being in a place of precision and order, an enjoyment other signs consider excessive and pointless. Having a mate who loves your detail-fined mind is reassuring rather than infuriating. With a relationship between two Virgos, there is a secure place for each of them to explain every detail of thought and fear of being judged, leading to an intellectual-stimulated, down-to-earth relationship.
However, the relationship between Virgo and another Virgo is not so ideal. Where there is a combination of critical and analyzing personalities, there is a risk of too analyzing and too criticism. The tendency in each of these signs to notice flaws over praise can lead to an endless parade of criticism that is never satisfied. The perfection of Virgo can lead each of these signs, keeping each other and themselves on unreal expectations, so when these expectations inevitably aren't met, stress and frustration result. Communication is a field in which Virgo and Virgo excel. Being its ruling body, it is a thoughtful, detailed, and blunt communication style. In a discussion between a couple of Virgos, each is gratified by careful language and respect for detail. The couple can have rich, substantial discussions that appeal to intellectual appetite and enjoyment of intellectual stimuli. This communication tool can guide it through rocky relationship moments as it provides for concerns and issue-solving on a reasoned plane.
The earthy direction of a relationship between a pair of Virgo is an earthy relationship of hardy pragmatism rather than flash passion. This is not necessarily a relationship of all of the drama of some of the other astrological matches. However, it is a gift perhaps greater than passion and stability. Each enters the relationship in a similar, careful, detail-oriented, dedicated style in which each handles other facets of existence, carefully nurtures them, and works to keep balance and harmony.
Virgo and Virgo Love Compatibility
Virgo and Virgo's love relationship is a relationship that is developed steadily, though it is depth-oriented. The time when a pair of Virgos is in love is a considerate process, not an impatient whim. Such a considerate mind for romance can be a let-down for others, though it is security and certainty for these intellectual minds. The relationship between a pair of Virgos is one of respect for each other's minds, morals, and personalities, which is a relationship that matures over time rather than burning furiously and dying off.
In the Virgo and Virgo relationship, love is characterized by humble, down-to-earth feelings. Instead of grand romantic gestures, these couples depict love in thoughtful care and serving each other in likes and dislikes. For example, when a Virgo shows affection by knowing exactly how their mate likes their coffee, keeping shared living spaces so stress-free, and being able to come up with solutions for dilemmas their mate is facing. While these may seem unromantic about more romantically demonstrative signs between a pair of Virgos, these little gestures say a lot about how much these couples care for each other. The challenge for these Virgo couples is traditionally based on mutual wariness of vulnerability.
The couples struggle to communicate to communicate on a personal, detailed, verbalized plane, communicating affection in action rather than words. This can create an unspoken, sensed, unrecognized gulf of emotion between couples. Being able to risk vulnerability and verbalize affection is a growth opportunity for this pair, so each can take leadership in taking this relationship beyond functionality and toward a position of emotional vulnerability in which love is gratifying for each of these Virgo.
Virgo and Virgo Friendship Compatibility
Virgo and Virgo's relationship is founded on respect and mutual values. If a pair of Virgos end up being best of friends, naturally, each sees in the other a kindred spirit facing life in a similar thoughtful, considerate, and detail-conscious manner. Such a relationship develops naturally in a shared interest or a shared living place, say, in a workplace or an academy of learning, wherein similar work ethics and styles of addressing a problem naturally attract each other. The respect of a Virgo for intelligence and capability is transformed into a sincere admiration of each other's intelligence.
The strength of Virgo and Virgo's friendship is in the concrete support these pals provide each other. Virgos have a knack for making other people's lives better in concrete ways, and when two Virgos become pals, a potent partnership of support is formed. The pair will provide each other with well-thought-out advice, assist each other in tidying their environments, suggest helpful materials, and give each other concrete support that makes daily living easier. Neither of these pals is ever needed to justify a reason for a given matter when the other is intuitively attuned to seeing a matter of detail and organization. Where Virgo and Virgo's relationship falters is in being spontaneous and exploring new adventures.
The pair can find themselves in routines and analytical discussions, which, though engaging, can fail to inject variety in keeping a relationship between friends new. The shared tendency toward caution can make these friends rarely challenge each other beyond familiar bounds and do new things. The best relationship between a Virgo and another Virgo is aware of this danger of stasis. It makes a sincere effort towards injecting new facets of themselves and of others in a bid to keep the relationship vibrant and in motion.
Virgo and Virgo Sexual Compatibility
Virgo and Virgo's sex relationship is a considerate relationship characterized by care. In the boudoir, a pair of Virgos go about being physically affectionate in precisely the thoughtful, careful manners in which a pair of Virgos manages other aspects of life. This is a case in which each is seriously dedicated to making different content and fulfilling each other's pleasures. The motivation of Virgo for serving is beautiful in a sex relationship, in which each pair is happy to learn precisely what pleases their mate and is committed to doing it for each other time and time in a considerate, careful effort.
The challenge in sex for a Virgo and a Virgo is most often a result of a mutual tendency toward over-analysis. Each of them can be so busy trying hard and pleasing each other that each is afraid of letting themself go and enjoying themself freely. Each can end up analyzing in the process, which can forestall such abandonment as it leads to purely euphoric sex. The highly critical tendencies of Virgos can make each of them too nervous about their body and/or sexual talents, inducing stress when there can be relaxation.
For Virgo and Virgo sex, though, there is a release of each of these detail-conscious signs of its need for everything being so in the boudoir. If it can release this and call on its critical mind for a sensual, earthy experience, each can experience a prosperous, fulfilling body relationship. Open communication is a large part of this, owing to its rulership of Mercury. With time and effort, two Virgos can balance their naturally detail-conscious personality and actual passion, crafting sensual experiences for body and mind.
Virgo and Virgo Marriage Compatibility
Virgo and Virgo's relationship is a relationship of complementary morals and energies. With a married pair of Virgos, these couples take this relationship seriously and conscientiously as it is. Such couples don't make a blindfold plunge into wedlock; instead, subsequent careful thought and planning is a well-thought decision in consonance with personal goals and morals. This precaution provides a firm base of mutual understanding and down-to-earth similarity in such couples, which continues serving well in years of relationship.
The daily life of a married Virgo and a Virgo is a star in domestic planning and budgeting. The detail-oriented pair can make systemsmake a living there in a married relationship a well-regulated, well-managed process. Everything in planning for a shared future, domestic chores, and budgeting are approached by a pair of Virgos in an organized, well-coordinated, and capable capacity. The pair is highly likely to have a well-run domestic environment, secure finances due to planning, and a well-laid plan for a shared future. This material stability gives a safe platform on which each individual of the pair can thrive.
The area in which effort can make the relationship thrive is Maintaining spontaneous and affectionate feelings. When multiplied in a relationship, the Virgo tendency can create a situation in which each feels constantly in short supply of expectations. Balancing their inborn drive for change and gratitude for each other for who they are is imperative for lasting satisfaction. The best-functioning couples Virgo express affection daily, add surprise, and play in a relationship so that an earthy partnership is filled with laughter and affection.
Sun Sign Compatibility
When these two Sun signs meet, they intuitively understand each other's struggles and traits. There is no need for their conversations to be overly complicated, but instead provide comfort and insight. These two understand each other quite well, which may be both a pro and a con in the long term.
When they are dating, they prefer to spend quiet dinners together rather than going out to busy restaurants or clubs. The foundation of their relationship will be friendship and attraction may grow out of that space rather than an immediate romantic endeavor. Both of them see the value in building a romantic union with one another, but it will be created slowly and methodically. Friends and family may be indifferent to their relationship.
Modality Compatibility
Their combined mutable energy helps them endure many challenges. Self-care, need for alone time, and need for loyalty will be challenged every time they come together, as they will want to be there for each other. Learning how to balance out their relationship will take time, but will be worth the effort. Spending a weekend together at a spa where their needs are met and they can spend time together alone will help balance them.
Element Compatibility
These two Earth signs keep it real and aligned. They cautiously rely on each other and tend to be very pragmatic about their materialistic needs and money matters. Together, they can build a life of security and stability. Balancing their finances and planning for the future is very easy for these two.
Energetic Strengths
The strength in this relationship relies on their shared kindness to and for each other. Their need for harmony and gentleness make them a good pairing. The best way for them to build on these strengths is to spend time together focusing on spiritual evolution or personal growth. The love for each other deepens as they work through any emotional challenges they share equally.
Energetic Challenges
What is troublesome for this duo is their unrealistic expectations, harsh judgment, and propensity for self-doubt. If they can get over themselves, they may have a chance at shared happiness. Focusing on personal development prior to a romantic relationship will play a crucial role in their success.
How to Create Astrological Balance
There are pros and cons for two Virgos to be together in any kind of relationship. These two function best as "BFF's" rather than lovers. They can, however, try to work it out as a couple, but may struggle with loneliness due to each of them needing to tend to their own needs and alone time.