By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Destiny and Life Path

11 Psychic Signs You Are On The Right Path

You experience déjà vu.

When you get a feeling you've already experienced something that is currently happening, then that is the Universe's way of trying to tell you that you are on the right path. You've probably had a premonition dream you don't recall, or it could be this event was something you selected would come to pass as you were selecting this life before your current incarnation. Please pay attention to when you have these feelings and what they are trying to let you know.

You have psychic dreams about it.

Our dream life is a reflection of our Higher Self in the spiritual realm communicating with us. It will give us signs and symbols to guide us where we need to be and who we need to get in touch with to be on our journey. Take note of the imagery you see and how the experience makes you feel when you wake up. Keep a dream journal so you can keep track of recurring messages and see how everything eventually comes into play in your real waking life.

Your Spirit Guides are letting you know.

As you go about your day (or even in your dream life), your Spirit Guides may be sending you messages in various ways. Depending upon the strength of your psychic abilities, you will tune in to what frequency you can currently align with to them. If you are more clairaudient, you will hear messages or bells around you. If you are clairsentient, you will get a sense that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. If you are clairvoyant, you may experience brighter visual imagery or see orbs in your peripheral vision.

You are more aware of animals and insects that cross your path.

All of us have Spirit Guides in the form of animals and insects. When we run across random creatures, we need to pay attention to their presence to see if it is the spiritual realm trying to communicate with us — seeing birds can let you know that you have found your voice, and you need to speak your truth. If a lizard crosses your path, that can be the Universe telling you to be true to yourself as transformation is coming soon. When a ladybug comes by to visit you, take comfort in that negative energy around you is dissipating, and letting go of any worries you have. There is a lot of wisdom to be heard around you, so tune in and listen.

You see 11 and 33 everywhere.

When you start seeing a pattern of numbers like 11 and 33, start really paying attention. These are Master Numbers and hold great significance and power. The number 11 is a higher vibration number, and its presence is telling you that your inner wisdom is surfacing. Pay attention to your intuition and heed the advice. The number 33 is the guidance from your Spirit Guides, letting you know they are there for you and that anything is possible. Both these numbers remind us not to lose sight of hope or our goals, so don't get complacent.

You start feeling deeply connected to people you've just met.

The moment you start to vibrate at the right level, you will begin to attract the right people into your life. You may feel an instant connection with them as if you've known them all your life. These could be members of your soul tribe or just karmic relationships meant to help you both fulfill your life path. Cherish these new connections as they are spiritually bound.

Old healthy friendships return and are renewed.

If you lose touch with an old friend, and somehow they return in your life for the better, then that is the Universe letting you know that this connection is meant to be, and they are part of your path. Make sure these connections are healthy ones because the toxic relationships returning can often be a test about whether or not you are truly ready or you still have karmic lessons to learn and release.

You feel gratitude at every turn.

When you go about your day feeling grateful, even during times of grief and loss, then you are on your life path. You may feel down at times or sadness, but if you are filled with gratitude, then you are right where you need to be. Keep in tune with the vibration of gratitude and allow yourself time to heal, if need be. No life path is easy.

You get psychically energized.

If you feel more fully present in your daily lives, and become more excited to interact with people, then you are becoming more psychically energized. When we are social creatures, living fully in the present, we are manifesting our best selves. Little things won't both you as much, and your sense of humor and lightness is increasingly apart of who you are. You may even feel the excitement when there are obstacles to be overcome. In other words, life doesn't feel draining to you at all because you are fully alive.

You get into hypnotic trances when you are doing tasks related to your path.

Sometimes when we get so caught up in what we are passionate about, we lose track of all time. This can be both good and bad thing as we do need to manage our time accordingly, but when we feel that flow going through us, and we feel a deep connection with the work we are doing, then we will connect beyond our physical realm for moments during that process. This is the Universe's way of letting us know we are in the zone now.

You are suddenly creative, and artistic imagery symbolizes your path.

If you start to become very inspired by your surroundings and see imagery everywhere you go, that speaks to you at a multitude of levels. Then you are on your right path. When we tap into what we are destined to do and be, we become in tune with the song of the Universe, and it starts to sing to us because we are open to receiving. Messages will unfold in various ways, and you may find yourself expressively yourself creatively, even if you are not artistically inclined. This also may be a sign that you need to share your path with others in a creative way.

You feel a profound sense of understanding about your life path.

Once you are fully aware of your life path and your destiny, you may feel a deep inner sense of peace and joy that you have never felt before. It may give you a sense of balance that you never knew you could attain.

If you don't feel any of these things or just some of these things and still feel lost, reach out to psychics online for a real psychic reading. A psychic's ability to tap into your timeline and see where you are at in your life's journey is beneficial as they can give you guidance about what steps you may be missing. A tarot reader can clue you into the symbols you need to look out for, and a psychic medium can help you connect with your Spirit Guides and ancestors for more in-depth guidance. Let your intuition guide you on the best psychic sources for you to complete your journey.