3 Signs You Need To Let Them Go : Insights from Psychic Duchess
Even as a psychic reader, I, too, have asked myself, "Should I let him go?"

You have goals and dreams that you want to pursue and achieve throughout your lifetime. Understand that it is possible for people to get in your way, but only if you let them. Only you should have complete utter control over your mind, body, and spirit. People who don't believe in changing and overly controlling people just simply don't belong in your life. I have heard this question many times as an online psychic.

Here are three signs that let you know when it's time to let him or her go: 

 Ongoing Insecurities 

They project their insecurities onto you. They do this because they see how comfortable you are with yourself. They hate themselves. That's why they need your energy to survive. They are narcissists and energy vampires. The reason they don't trust others is that they don't trust themselves. They think everyone does everything they do, which is entirely untrue. They believe since they don't know how to be faithful, no one else does. I am a tarot card reader, and the cards never lie. Their behavior is completely absurd, but don't worry. They will be punished severely.

Searching For Validation Outside Of Themselves  

They will talk to just about anyone to feel wanted or needed without considering anyone's feelings. They are very selfish beings. They will always do what's best for them. You don't matter; unless you are serving them the dish they want. They continuously need and want your attention. This is because they don't know how to be alone with themselves. I have even had psychic visions of these beings killing themselves. Be very careful because they are very dangerous and suicidal. They don't know who they are as individuals. So, they need someone around to make them feel like someone. Do not confuse this insanity with love.

They Find A Problem To Every Solution  

There are way too many low vibrational beings here on Earth, along with way too many scare tactics. People are addicted to ignorance and negativity. They get a thrill out of it. It's fun for them. In actuality, they are just stealing others' energy to uplift themselves. This is extremely sad and, might I add, codependent. They are never optimistic about anything. Know that energy doesn't die, and it only transfers. Don't be anyone's punching bag because they refuse to heal their inner self; due to fear of changes. Vibes and energy don't lie. You, too, are a reader when you sense someone's energy is off or not right. You don't have to be drained from someone else's emotions. We all have a choice. Stay away from energy vampires. They, too, determine your reality just as much as you do.

One thing I have learned as a psychic reader is a detachment. Detachment is a tremendously important factor in your life because it will lead you to your destiny, but it is also an arduous task to measure up to. Self-love will lead you to detachment, and detachment will lead you to your spiritual growth. Then, your spiritual growth will lead you to your destiny. Take everything one step at a time and be patient. For you withhold all the power.

Psychic Duchess is available at Meet Your Psychic at extension 1414 and will guide you through your journey in life.