3 Warning Signs Psychics Say You Shouldn’t Ignore About Your Person of Interest

Have you ever fallen so deeply in love that you can't see straight? When your person of interest has you spinning in circles, it's hard to see if the budding relationship is a good fit. Psychic readers can tune in and let you know what they see immediately, but here are three red flags that you should be aware of before you reach for the phone for your psychic reading!

Rushing Through The Honeymoon Phase!

If your love interest is rushing you the BEST part of the beginning of a relationship, take a moment, and reflect on what is happening. This can often be a sign that you have become the target of a narcissist, and they are ready to place in their magnetic hold for their abuse. The beginning of any relationship, especially a romantic one, should be savored and appreciated. When they want to go from dating to moving in together, this should be a warning sign that something else is going on, and you need to pay attention. A real psychic can help to tune in to what is going on with them.

You Haven't Met Any Friends Or Family!

It's one thing to take things slow, and it's another thing to avoid all-out introducing you to friends and family. When someone you are seeing doesn't want to make introductions to the people important to them, that should be a warning to you that they may not be as interested in you as you are into them. When they avoid even discussing family or friends, most of them sign that they don't really want you in their lives. Make sure that you know the basics before committing to them, or else you may regret it later.

Always Talking About Their 'Ex'!

We've all done it. It's hard sometimes not to talk about an ex, especially if there are children attached to them, but there is an amount of talk that should be a warning sign to you. If you talk to them and their ex is mentioned in every interaction, it is clear they haven't gotten over them yet and cannot be fully invested in any kind of connection with you. You can always choose to take it slow, but generally, these kind of romantic entanglements are only temporary for the both of you. See if there is a lesson you need to learn and if your person of interest needs something from you as well. This may be a karmic relationship playing out until the real thing comes along for both of you. Either way, it is a warning sign that neither of you is right for each other.


Take relationships slowly and get to know someone well before you dive into any kind of commitment. There is nothing wrong with having fun with people, but be mindful of each other's feelings. If you're unsure if someone you like is stringing you along, contact us for a psychic reading, and we will set you straight.