By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Health and Wellness

5 Benefits of Crying on Your Psychic Balance

There are many times in our life when we feel the need to cry. Sometimes crying has nothing to do with emotions, but is a physical reaction to exposure to the elements such as the slicing of onions. Not every tear is for sadness, but tears, in general, are always a form of healing and liberation of stress contained within our bodies. For some, crying is seen as a sign of weakness, but allowing ourselves to release tears is what helps us grow stronger, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Getting in touch with our ability to cry is our way of connecting to the love within ourselves and the love that exists in the Universe as a whole. It is both nourishing and replenishing, and we should all embrace the process and all the benefits it has to offer us, not just in how it helps us release negativity.

It helps you physically release stress and toxins in your body.

Emotional tears contain stress and hormones that, without release, would become toxic to the body and create illness. When you cry, your body is helping you to become centered and well.

Tears contain a fluid known as lysozyme. This fluid helps to kill bacteria in your eyes and acts as a cleaning agent. It contains powerful antimicrobial properties that help keep you healthy and release toxins. Stress is toxic, especially stress that remains in the body for more extended periods of time.

Energy healing can also help you release toxins in the body and process negative emotions. When you know you have been experiencing chronic stress and aren't able to cry, you may want to seek out psychics who specialize in reiki and other healing modalities to help you.

It helps you process emotions that are trapped.

When you cry, you release negativity. Sometimes our hurt feelings become trapped inside our bodies. Tears are one of many ways our bodies process them in a way that is healthy and natural. When you tune into these negative feelings and are ready to let them go, crying becomes an act of catharsis, helping you to better process your emotions and move forward with your life. It is not stillness, but actual action as it is a physical act of release. Crying is a way for you to become stronger, not weaker, as it is allowing you to let go of what no longer serves you and needs healing.

Sometimes you may need help processing these emotions while you are feeling the need to cry. Speaking with online psychics and real mediums that are experienced with helping people heal can help ease the burden of your pain.

It is a way to self soothe.

Crying triggers the parasympathetic nervous system. When this system is triggered in your body, you begin to relax and let go, which is crucial in releasing negative energy and feelings. This physical reaction helps us soothe ourselves, especially when we are alone and not able to seek out others for our distress. If you feel the need to ease your pain and suffering, don't give in to the impulse for a free psychic reading. Contact a real psychic who can help you process what you are feeling or learn how to be your own tarot reader.

It signals to others that you are hurting.

Crying makes people more conscious that you are hurting and will offer support. Not everyone can read subtle clues of distress, but crying is a visible sign. Those with compassion will come and offer you comfort in your times of need. Hugging is very therapeutic and comforting, and people will most likely offer you a hug if you are crying as a show of support and love. Allowing this show of affection will help you as much as it helps them. It's how we deepen our social connections with others and how they deepen their relationship with us.

It makes room for joy to come after.

Joy becomes the rainbow while the storm is passing. After you cry, you have released feelings of negativity and now have made way for brighter emotions. We often feel much relief after a good cry and can then appreciate a good laugh or a moment of bliss with friends and family. This boost in mood comes from the release of what is known as "feel good" chemicals in the body. Our bodies can't stay in distress for extended periods of time, so a good cry helps to release that anguish and help you feel better overall.

And sometimes, we cry because we are experiencing joy, which is the best release of all. It is a physical and beautiful representation of our gratitude and connection to the Universe.

Take time to celebrate the act of crying, for it is at the heart of our Universal connection. After all, the Earth sheds tears of both pain and joy every time it rains.