By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Loss and Grieving

5 Ways to Help Cope with Death and Loss as Told by Psychic Shira

My guides wanted me to share with you some of the things they told me to do to help me through my own time of loss.

I was incredibly stubborn to tell you the truth. And when I lost someone that I deeply loved, I clung on to every little last bit of grief and hurt. Yes, that was what I needed. But not everyone needs that. And here are some of the things that the guides brought into my life to help release grief and pain. Not all of these will benefit everyone. But for me, they have mostly been helpful at different times.

Take regular baths.

This might sound insane on one level. But if you are healthy enough to take a bath in the bathtub, then there are two reasons you should do this. First, your skin is the body's first means of cleansing itself. Soaking it in water helps to release all the emotional chemicals that can build up in your body during the process of grieving. Second, water is the energy of emotions, love, and loss. Letting your body and soul drink in the pure energy of water helps to bring acceptance, healing, and emotional release.

Take the electronic devices out of your sleeping area.

Again, this sounds a little odd, but for me, this was unquestionably the most significant help in my grieving process. Electromagnetic energy distorts our auras. Usually, this doesn't cause too much damage. But when you have undergone the substantial spiritual wound of losing someone dear to you, you need to treat your energy and aura just like you would a severely injured human body. Remove computers, TVs, cell phones, radios, and anything else you can reasonably take out of the room. If you need an alarm clock, you might want to look into purchasing a mechanical one that operates on a spring rather than batteries or a plugin.

Use fluorite, clear quartz, or another protective crystal in your sleeping area.

Placing a few absorptive crystals near where you sleep will help to draw painful energy away from you. It will also help to keep any extra negativity away. You have enough on your plate right now. Crystals are like tiny parts of mother earth herself. They have intelligence and love for us. Tell your crystals what you are going through and ask them to help create a space where you can heal. You can carry these crystals on your person as well. Set them in the sunlight once a week to let them cleanse and renew.

Turn off the news.

This was probably the second most significant help for me overall. The new media continuously inundates us with drama, trauma, and stupidity. If you are facing a devastating loss, the last thing you probably need is to hear about all the bad things that are happening, did happen, and could happen in the world. Unless the news is essential for some other part of your life, please stay away from it for a while.

Pray, pray, pray.

The loss of someone we love can shake our faith to its absolute foundation. Many of us, me included, want to divorce ourselves from the supreme being, call him/her God, the universe, Source, or anything else. Often we perceive this death as being the 'fault' of this consciousness. Naturally we would never want to speak to someone who had hurt us so badly ever again. However there is a story in the bible of the man who wrestled with God, and would not release him until God surrounded and gave him back his blessing. I have found this to be very profound. Go ahead. Wrestle with God. God/goddess/universe/source does not mind if you tell, scream, cry, curse, or tell It you never want to see it again. It will listen when you weep; it will tolerate when you are irrational, it will comfort when you ask. This is a step that is hard to make. But it is far better to pray an angry, hurt prayer than to cut yourself off from Source. You must also remember that God/Universe did not take your loved one away. We all make contracts about when we will leave lifetimes and how. Your loved one decided when they would go and under what conditions before they were ever born. But Source did not do this to you, or them. And Source is pure. No matter what pain you need to express, it can easily absorb it and fill you up with healing instead.

I don't know who these blogs are meant for. But I do want you to know that my heart sincerely goes out to you. I know the pain you have been through, and yet I also know every loss is entirely different. I pray that these things help you and bring healing to your heart and life.

In Divine Evolution,

Psychic Shira

For many years I have provided series as an online psychic reader to assist with all of your psychic online readings. One of my specialties is psychic mediumship.

It is a source of bliss and joy for me to work with Divine Energy, and to assist you in connecting not only as a real psychic to help you with your grief and for being here now, but to gain clarity, and to allow yourself to heal from pain. It takes time to heal, and I am here for you for any of your psychic needs.