By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Career and Finance

6 Psychic Signs You’re In the Wrong Career

The moment we go out into the world and start working, we begin a lifelong journey to find the right career for us. Some of us know at a young age what our destiny is, and we make plans to get there. Others struggle with a clear direction. And some of us don't feel we have what it takes to seek out the career of our heart's desire. When we are not pursuing our passions, we will see signs along with the way that we are not going in the right direction. The clues may be subtle, or they can be painfully obvious and drag us down until we are ready to take the time to reflect and make a change for the better.

Every Day You Feel Drained

If you come home from your job feeling lifeless, then this is a sign that you are not following the right career path for you. Being drained not just in your body, but heart and soul is not a positive indication that you are in alignment with the Universe's plan for your life and over time that negativity can have a detrimental impact on your overall health and wellbeing. If you are continually seeking out psychics that offer energy healing to help you maintain your energy, it can be a clue that you are not in a job that is healthy for you.

You Talk To Yourself Negatively

During your workday, if you find yourself spiraling into a web of negative inner dialogue about your shortcomings and failures, this can be a red flag that you are not in the best working environment. "Shoulding" yourself throughout the day and piling up regret and remorse is not sympathetic to your body or mind. We all make mistakes, and mistakes are how we learn to grow and make better decisions.

Sometimes the negative self-talk can come from outside of yourself if you are not paying attention. If you don't feel like your negative self-talk is originating from you, it may be that you are an Empath who is picking up on the psychic energy of others' self-doubt and unresolved anger issues. Picking up on this energy too much can also surprisingly be a sign you are in the wrong career as it is proof that you are easily distracted from your life's mission. Grounding work with psychic sources can help you better handle negative self-talk, whether it is originating from you or not.

You Hate Your Coworkers

When you get to your job, and you feel like you do everything to avoid actual conversations with your coworkers and boss, this can be a sign that you are not in a job that is unfulfilling. Hating your coworkers is not healthy and is often a symptom of your inner unhappiness for not following your soul's purpose. Your coworkers may not be bad people, but when you see them enjoying their workday when you are not, it may trigger you into realizing you don't share the same enthusiasm. A psychic keen on helping you get back on track will help you understand that your coworkers are not your enemy, but are resources to help you better understand yourself and your goals.

You Feel Like You Are Standing Still

Can you remember the last time you got a raise or promotion at your job? How about praise from your boss? If you aren't moving forward in your job to a better position at the company you work for, this is a signal that this is not the right career path for you. When we are not in the right place, we will stand still until we are ready for the next step. It may be that you need your current job for a time to get you to that place. Maybe you need to work through some emotional barriers or need to finish getting a degree. It's okay to stand still for a while. Sometimes we stand still so we can go through loss as those are times we don't need challenges in our career. But, more often, we stand still because we are stagnant and not where we should be. Regular psychic readings can help you figure out why it is you are standing still and what steps you can take to move forward and feel better about your life.

You Have Trouble Sleeping

Our dreams will give us lessons and messages if we are willing to listen to them and do the work to understand them. If we are reluctant or not ready to face what we need to know, it may cause us disturbances in our sleep cycles. Sometimes our inner restlessness will bubble up while we dream. If we are not ready to receive the answers, then our subconscious will block off from drifting to a restful sleep. If you're not sure what your dreams are trying to tell you, you should consult with an online psychic to give you some insights.

You Are Envious Of Others

If you see your friends making progress in their careers and you feel envious of their achievements, this can be a sign you are not on the right career path just yet. Feeling envy isn't just a reaction to wanting what others have in life. It's also about recognizing what you are lacking and being angry about it. Jealousy is only unhealthy if you don't do the spiritual work and find out the root, which will often be buried. A real psychic can help you deep dive into what is blocking you and help you sort out what is the best career path that is in alignment with your soul's purpose.