By Guest on Thursday, 27 February 2020
Category: Psychic Development

6 Sensational Psychic Tips To Protect Your Energy

Are you an energy vampire? Are you draining people of their life-force energy and leaving them depleted? Are you the one being consumed? How do you know you are in the presence of an energy vampire? Do you know how to protect your energy? Are you under a Psychic attack?

Throughout life, there are three types of people you will meet. Givers-those who give. Takers-those who take. And then you have those who are right in the middle-Givers and Takers-those who give and take.

But first, let's dissect the term Psychic Vampire. Psychic, emanating from the Greek work 'psychikos,' it means- of the mind, mental. Vampire, we often think of the mythical version of this word-someone who bites your neck and sucks your blood out. At this moment, we are talking about mental feeding; when someone is feeding off our mental energy. The mythical version of the term is quite similar and also feels very similar.

The following signs will act as a guide to assist you in recognizing the vampire in your life.

Sign #1

Is someone complaining to you all the time? Does it feel like that person is chewing your ear off? Is this person always part of the problem and not part of a solution? Are they sharing a lot of gossip and bringing you bad news all the time? This is a sign this person could be a psychic vampire.

Sign #2

There is little to no sharing. There is no contribution. There is no participation in the Law of Exchange or the Law of Equilibrium. Is someone in your life always putting you down? Are they causing you to feel inferior? Are they not lifting you higher?

Is someone you know always instilling fear into you?

Sign #3

You cannot be yourself around them. You are still on edge, and skating on thin ice, and taking the people-pleasing route.

These are the signs of energy vampires in your presence. People who are consuming your life-force energy! If you recognize any of these traits in yourself, you have a whole lot of work to do.

If you recognize these signs in the character traits of people around you, please re-evaluate that relationship. Believe in yourself and find your own inner strength to move forward to a more peaceful existence. Whatever that means for you. No one wants to feel the depletion of their energy.

The following are tips to help you guard yourself. Protect that vital energy!

Tip # 1-Never externalize your power, and this can be tricky because we often do not realize that is what we have done.

Nobody can control you without your permission. Again, nobody can control the way you feel internally without your consent. Permission is granted in a variety of ways. For example, if you never offer your input, you inadvertently allow others to take the reins of your life, making all your decisions. How to guard yourself is to create energetic boundaries. Do not be afraid to say 'No' and do not be scared to say "Yes.' Find your voice and speak your truth quietly, yet clearly. Find your authentic expression. What helps with this is to be truthful to yourself at every single moment in time. It will create transparency. You are not lying to yourself or others.

Tip #2-Know what you are getting yourself into.

Many times we enter a connection that is not organic; it is not authentic. You will recognize this because there is no intimacy in the relationship (we are not talking about sexual intimacy). Once you realize everything is frequency and vibration and energy, you will understand more about the give and take. Do not fall into always giving without some reciprocation. There must be a balance. If you are vibrating high, you will raise that person higher. However, if that person is vibrating low, the same is true, they can bring you down. You attract what you are. What happens when both people are positive? You raise each other higher. There are infinite possibilities for this connection. It is crucial to make an informed decision about who you are inviting into your space. Some real psychics may be able to assist you in this area.

Tip #3-Know thyself.

Who are you in this moment? Are you a giver or a taker, or both? Many times we connect with someone out of convenience, or we are seeking validation from them. Many times we gravitate toward certain people because we have low self-esteem and low confidence levels. Givers often give without expectation of getting anything in return, remember there must be a balance. Even a small exchange can be construed as reciprocal. Know your worth, and raise your price because you are valuable. For example; If you are producing positive vibes, you will notice people gravitate toward you. Make a connection, make a new friend. Taking can present itself in this form. You offered friendly advice with positivity and gained friendship in return. Now you have one more friend. Give, and Take-this is an example of being a giver and a taker.

Tip #4-Ask yourself, 'What can I learn from this Psychic Vampire?'

In essence, we are all participating in some Psychic Vampirism. Sometimes you will turn toward others for inspiration, and in turn, they will turn toward you for inspiration. Once you learn how much you can learn from this energy dynamic, you will again ask yourself, 'Is this highlighting anything in me'? Possibly unresolved issues? We all must take a look at ourselves in the mirror and figure out what it is and why we are attracting energy vampires. Oh yes, we all have a part to play in our circumstances! We never invite what we want. We attract what we feel in our hearts.

A tough concept to swallow, and if you are truly honest with yourself, you will digest it with more ease. Once you are more aware, you will begin to see patterns and certain types of people. For example, maybe you want to be the hero and save everyone. Start questioning your belief system. Am I here to be a footrest? Or am I here to share with people and share a mutual exchange of energy? Also, can I learn from this person? We are all, at some point in our lives, teachers, students, lessons, and gifts for someone else in their lives. Remember not to take anything personal(easier said than done) when you realize who you are for this person and who they are for you, move into the environment you desire for yourself.

Another thing to remember, you are in the presence of this Psychic Vampire for a reason. What is it about YOU that you need to change to bring your dreams to fruition? Get a Tarot reading for love or career, if these areas need to change.

Tip #5-Don't waste your time with meaningless interactions.

The people you connect with should be raising you higher, and you should be raising them higher. Go to those who value you. It is not wise to surround yourself with people who do not support your vision. On a deeper level, it is all a test, another lesson. We are attracting everything to us, so go to where the resonance is the highest. Go to those who value you. When you assess your well-being, you will begin attracting those who see the value within. Remember, you are powerful beyond measure, dig deep, and find that power. Call a Tarot reader online today! Is this person right for you?

Tip #6-Choose correctly.

Choose your emotions and state of mind. Do not allow your current circumstances in your life to dictate your happiness. Everything in life is temporary. What this means is we are all in a state of impermanence. And our choices at this time will move us in the direction of the mental energy we are putting out to the Universe. You have the opportunity to lessen your troubles or enhance your problems; the choice is yours. If you are having a terrible day, it too shall pass, it is temporary. When you are having a great day, it also shall pass, then energy winds down, it is temporary. Nothing lasts forever. Do not be a Psychic Vampire sucking the life-force out of yourself because you have chosen to roll with the negative moods. You have a choice of what kind of day you will have. The hardest part of this choice is remaining present and focused long enough to recognize there is a choice to be made, and this too shall pass. Choose correctly in life, don't get swept away by emotion and taken on a ride.

Seek a psychic reading, find out who is in your life, and where it may take you. Live your best life, right here, right now!