7 Benevolent Signs You're Meant To Speak with Psychic Hope Fleury


If synchronicities are leading you to me and my abilities, you're meant to speak with me. Maybe you see the word "Hope" many times in a day. Perhaps something I say about myself reminds you of something you wrote in your journal. Maybe my photo makes you think of someone you're missing. Perhaps it's something else -- I'm here, looking forward to your call, and you'll know that means you.


I have many years of practice and resulting expertise in supporting people with compassionate awareness with online psychic readings. Compassionate awareness can involve: connecting you more deeply with your spirit guides, helping you tap into your intuition and knowing, dream interpretation, and other ways of exploring together to find what you need. I have an eclectic mix of skills and can offer a combination of strategies explicitly attuned and uniquely for you.


As I listen to your voice and the parts of your story you share verbally, I tune in to the energy of what is happening both within you and around you. With the information I receive intuitively as a psychic reader, I seek to empower you to embrace yourself and your truths more fully.


My style is empathic, kind, spiritual, and conversational. I will ask gentle questions. I will listen very carefully to multiple levels of consciousness. I do not give answers about what you "should" do in any situation, because I believe that you are the only one who has the power to make your life choices - I will be a perfect match for you if you seek that kind of non-directive guidance.


I have possessed psychic abilities my entire life - they were inherited from my mother. I started giving psychic readings to family members and friends over two decades ago and began offering this gift to the world at their insistence. I also have two spiritual and psychic mentors outside of my family who have supported and trained me to hone my abilities.


People are drawn to me for my ability to foster hope, as my name calls me to do - not always for a specific outcome, but the goodness of life no matter what. I complete readings both with and without tools, depending on what each caller needs (tarot card readings, angel cards, flower essences, animal medicine cards, etc.).


It has been many years since I began tuning into my abilities. As a child, I learned to connect with the natural world and get quiet and still let "messages" arrive in my heart and mind. As an adult, I have continued to practice and deepen my relationship with the spiritual realms. I sit in meditation every day to keep my communication pathways clear so I can best support you.

Psychic Hope Fleury supports you to grow gently and flourish. She can be reached at Meet Your Psychic at extension 1398.