By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Career and Finance

7 Essential Keys To Being More Mindful At Work - Being Psychic at Work

Being more mindful will not only make your job easier to do; it will make you less stressed from doing it. Mindfulness also has a way of raising our vibration and attracts the right people and events to us at the right time. Whether your workplace is in harmony or chaos, bringing in your own mindfulness will help lighten the mood and not just enlighten your inner well-being.

The more aware you are of your work environment, the more likely you will be valuable to your employer and your coworkers. You will have the advantage of noticing things that may slip by or give helpful advice on how things can overall improve. By allowing yourself to become more mindful at work, you will be less likely to have any adverse interactions with your coworkers or boss as well, and that could help you with receiving better raises or obtaining promotions.

Don't worry about small things.

We all get irritated, and irritation tends to happen more when we are less present. When we are in a state of mindfulness, we are at peace with things that come and go. We can acknowledge that everything will pass in time, including this moment. Gain perspective on the bigger picture and try not to dwell on the small things that bubble up and the worries about tomorrow. Live in today. Be present.

Respond, don't react.

It is easy to have a knee jerk reaction to offhand comments in the workplace. When we are working, we don't have the pleasure of choosing who we work with, so it is expected we will clash with some personalities. Although you may feel the need to react, don't lean into that feeling. Give yourself the gift of centering and considering your response accordingly. Not everything that happens to you has to be resolved immediately. When we let things sit for a moment, we allow ourselves to process and consider both sides of the situation, and not just ours.

Count to 10.

Whenever you feel stressed or triggered by someone else's behavior, take a step back, and breathe. Count to 10 and let yourself be at peace. Be present with your emotions; don't suppress what you are feeling. But don't let the feelings overwhelm you. Center yourself and be present. Notice what you feel and your thoughts as they come and go.

Don't fake your feelings.

Just because we are at work and being professional, that doesn't mean we can't be our true selves with people. Having honest communication with someone who you work with is a way to build a bridge of trust and companionship needed to get a job done. Be truthful with your feelings, but be diplomatic about your word choice. You don't have to tell someone every detail of your life, but if they upset you, there is no reason you can't be clear, concise, and kind about it at the same time.

Take breaks from digital interaction.

It's easy to get wrapped up into social media and tapping at our keyboards. If your work requires you to work on a computer, try and get up and stretch and walk around for 5 minutes every hour. Our bodies and minds aren't meant for sitting at desks all day long, and our attitudes express that when we are cranky and less productive. Getting caught up with digital interaction can also make us less mindful of how we treat people, and we may lack social etiquette after awhile. Our biggest distractions are our cell phones. If you can put them away for a day and go for a peaceful walk in Nature, you will be better for it.

Multitask as little as possible.

If your job relies heavily on this skill, then this will be hard to do. Simply stated, it is harder to be present and mindful when you are handling too many things at once. On your days off, make sure to make it a priority to meditate and unwind. This will make doing a stressful job that requires you to multitask better as you give yourself a chance to rejuvenate.

Listen calmly to other people.

Listening to other people when they are speaking with you is one of the best ways to practice mindfulness at work. Being fully present during a conversation with your coworker or boss will encourage them to trust in you and visa versa. When people feel listened to, they feel validated, even if you disagree during your conversation. If you are correctly centered and present with your breathing, you can be a model example of how to respond to negative feedback and interaction.

If you need assistance with being more mindful at work, consider reaching out to real psychics for online psychic readings. Many psychics have learned the art of mindfulness and how it helps them in their work. They can help you in being more aware of the obstacles you face during your day and how to reach your goals. Psychic readers may also be able to tap into the energy of your coworkers and boss and give you insights on how to develop better relationships with them. You can look for psychics where you live like a psychic in New York or a psychic in California, or you can find a psychic online to help you with your career.