By Guest on Thursday, 27 February 2020
Category: Psychic Development

7 Savvy Psychic Signs You Are Raising Your Consciousness

Are you going through an intense personal awakening right now?

Are you viewing reality in a brand new way? Does it leave you feeling detached from society? It could be a spiritual awakening, don't worry, you are not crazy, and you are not alone. For additional clarity on spiritual awakenings, call a psychic today!

So much is happening right now on the planet. So many people are waking up. The hidden is soon coming to light. We are approaching the age of Aquarius - The Information Age. That is why there is so much technology all around us. It is automatic right now because this is the quickening, the acceleration of consciousness. It is time to wake up on this planet, and a lot of people are doing just that.

When you realize that everything is an illusion, that is the moment of your awakening. Have you ever felt that the entire world is punking you? Have you ever thought that this cannot be life? We wake up, eat, go to work, go home, eat again, sleep, and start that process all over again. Do you feel there has to be more to life than that?

Let's explore some signs that are now raising your consciousness.

The first sign

You will begin to experience the oneness of everything. A massive metamorphizes! What this means is you are experiencing an interconnectedness with everything. The truth is, we are all connected. We are all energy in Human form. So when you think to yourself, I am not just this body, I am so much more! A life force, primordial energy. The only thing that separates us is our EGO's. Take nature; for example-Nature is all about harmony, a greater cohesion. Nature is all about bringing everything together. It is not about separation; it is about unity. If you are meditating more and in your body, you have a greater coherency and congruency between the body, mind, and soul, and everything is working in harmony, it is a sign of your spiritual awakening.

The second sign

Master Numbers. If you see 1111, this is a sign of your spiritual awakening. Any consecutive number, 22, 33, 222, 333 these are all Master Numbers. Ascending and descending numbers also have significant meaning, 123, 321. 1111 is also said to be the gateway from leaving this old world and entering a new world. A lot of people who are waking up to spiritual enlightenment are starting to see the repeating numbers. Everyone can see 1111, and the difference is you are now paying attention to what is happening around you. It is also said that your higher-self, angel guides, and spirit guides prompt you to look at the clock at this exact moment. This synchronicity-synchronicity is when your dominant thoughts align with your life and become your dominant experiences. Know that you are coming into alignment with your higher self and recognizing the binary code of the Universe. Quantum Physicists say that the Universe is one giant simulation, and it runs like a web browser on zero's and one's (0011) the language of computers, just like our Universe. Now you are seeing the glitch in the Matrix and realizing everything is just an illusion. You are not crazy; you are just waking up. There are no coincidences, and everything is happening in divine order. Contact a real psychic today for additional insight into Spirituality.

The third sign

A change in your diet is a sign of higher consciousness. If you have given up things like meat and hot dogs, and you have turned to plant-based eating, it is a sign of spiritual awakening. Many of us experience a massive shift when our diet changes; this too is energy. It happens because food is also information. If you are consuming premium plant-based foods full of live enzymes, you are getting higher knowledge, and you are activating the pineal gland. In other words, your third-eye. Meals that equal higher consciousness is food such as kale, leafy greens, watercress, and all the fruits. We call this eating life. Get rid of the garbage foods full of toxins, and you will feel the energy shift in your body! This is also a sign you are respecting all life.

The fourth sign

You are starting to connect the dots — for example, television(telling lies to your vision). Media-dating back to the Ancient Greek Goddess Medea, whose trait was cunning. Media is not about the truth, and it is there to deceive you. It is about distracting you from the fact. Connect the dots and realize there is more to the truth than what we are taught. Do your research.

The fifth sign

Your emotions. You realize that Love and Fear are the only emotions that govern your DNA for better and for worse. You are becoming aware of your feelings and how they affect you. They transform your health and your mood, your attitude, and you realize how these emotions create your reality. Life is all about peace, love, and harmony, and you understand that when you tune into fear, you become fearful. Keep in mind, if you are tuning into fear-based media, it will govern you and what you become. The same is correct about the love frequency. Tune into love, and you will become love. You are now freeing yourself and raising your consciousness. Psychic readers are willing to assist you with readings on emotional and spiritual well-being.

The sixth sign

You are filled with empathy and compassion. Empathy and compassion are critical signs of a spiritual awakening. Zombie-type people are walking around who can never put themselves into other people's shoes. If you have compassion for yourself, other people, and all life forms-this indicates you are a highly advanced being. You are beginning to realize that we are all in this together when you see someone suffering, and you lend a hand. That is genuine compassion. Check out the psychic readers online for someone who specializes in Direct Channeling, see what your guides are trying to tell you. An online psychic reader may be able to assist you for more clarity raising your consciousness.

The seventh sign

You start to question your identity. When you separate yourself from human-made programs like nationalities, countries, and especially when you lack a group identity, that is a sign of higher consciousness. For example, if you do not identify with the place you were born-like the John Lennon song-Imagine, there are no countries-many countries that banned this song. Although the song was peaceful, it was so powerful and spoke of unity. Nationality is a separator of humankind. Are you still connecting those dots? Imagine for a moment, there are no borders, it is just one earth, and we are all planetarians. We are one. We are all primordial energy.