Acceptance of Psychic Ability & Power : Insights from Psychic Lady

It can be a struggle to acknowledge the role we play in the way our lives unfold. It's easy to say, "I had a rough childhood," or "This is just the hand I was dealt." Those things may be true, but that's only a piece of it.

There is something called the locus of control, which refers to how strongly people believe they control the situations and experiences that affect their lives.

If we believe that we have no control, or that things happen to us, it expands into feelings of helplessness and a lack of personal responsibility.

Before I accepted my gift of psychic ability, I put myself through hell. I wanted so much to be like everyone else. I would ask God why He made me so different, why I would dream about things before they happened, or why I could read others' energy without even trying. I spent years running away from who I was put here to be, and in the process, I suffered needlessly. I was literally running away from my own power, now what kind of sense does that make?

Only after deep prayer and signs that grew increasingly harder to ignore did I finally understand—I needed to recognize and accept my strengths. I decided to give myself up to the journey. I believe acceptance of self leads to the acceptance of power.

Online psychics like myself are available to help you enact your personal power. Whether you have questions about a soulmate, family, or career, a psychic reading from me can help you get there.

What will it take for you to embrace your power?

Sometimes acceptance isn't about good or bad, but rather something that causes discomfort. Discomfort is often the indication of shedding of the old, like clothing that has grown too small. Let me help you find a solution tailored to your needs and strengths. I can help you transform discomfort into power. Are you experiencing discomfort today?

It is important to remember that sometimes discomfort leads us to a specific end, gently nudging us to make a choice that brings resolution and relief. The Universe is calling on you to embrace your power and cut a new or better path.

Will you answer the call or choose the path of least resistance?

I hope that we all embrace our power and focus on it so that we may grow in whichever way we desire. Growth is a human need. The locus of control is a stumbling block that can be overcome. If I did it, so can you. Accept your power today. Namaste

Psychic Lady can be reached at extension 1037 at Meet Your Psychic.