How I Got Someone On Their Path: Insights from Psychic Tabby
It was back in 2018. I had just begun my apprenticeship at a local shop, working under an eccentric psychic medium, and spending my days happily sorting the gemstones.

During the time of this story, the aforementioned medium had just taken a leave and left me in charge for the FIRST time. I was ecstatic! And then, my first client walked in. (For the purposes of anonymity, we'll call her Emma) Emma was a sweet woman with huge, sad blue eyes and a perpetual 'lost' look about her. As if she were a child at an airport, looking for her parents. And- as it would later turn out- that initial assessment wasn't too far from the truth.

Having dealt with absent, narcissistic parents, and a less than ideal childhood, Emma was now an adult, struggling to find her place in the world at thirty-two, unable to find a foothold in her life. She was caught in a cycle of depression, of wanting MORE for her life: more love, more peace, more hope. And indeed, more money, as she was living with a roommate and even together, barely made rent. She was at her wit's end, but- as with most things- it was because of her love life that she finally sought answers.

Because of her childhood, Emma had an unconscious habit of choosing men who were unavailable somehow. She would become infatuated with a man who seemed to be everything she wanted to find later that he had a wife or a girlfriend.

Time after time, her heart would soar- thinking she had once again found her soulmate- only to have her hopes dashed when the man would stop returning her calls.

"What is WRONG with me?" She tearfully asked me that day, "Why can't I be happy? Why can't I find someone to love me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you at all!" I told her gently, "You have a soul wound."

And she did. The emotional wounds caused by her parents had left scars that needed tending to if she were ever to have an everyday life. Her parents had been unavailable, and so Emma chose unavailable men. Not only that, but the treatment that her mother and father had given her had dealt severe blows to her confidence.

She needed to love herself before she could correctly love others. In a session of two hours, we discovered that her family had a cycle of emotional abuse on both sides and that she was yet another cog in a generation of struggle and strife.

I gave Emma the name and number of a well-known local therapist who took pay based on one's income, and- in addition to this- she scheduled another session with me. Though I gave her the tools to start her journey, she was the one who took the first step. And within the next month, I was astonished at the transformation she made, leaping from feeling depressed and hopeless to joyful and excited about each day, finding a better job, and- yes!- even meeting a man who was stable and steady.

She went from living a bleak life in which she couldn't see the light and create her sunshine.

And later, when she would thank me, I told her, "YOU did it. You were the one who sought me out and then made all those changes. I just pointed you in the right direction!" Helping others through my abilities has been my passion ever since. 

Psychic Tabby can be found at Meet Your Psychic at extension 1426.