By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Health and Wellness

How Practicing Asteya Improves Your Psychic Well-Being

Asteya comes from Sanskrit. It is clearly defined as "non-stealing," and it's one of the ten ethical principles of yogic thought.

Off the yoga mat, Asteya is practiced in how we manage our thoughts and behavior. It is about making the conscious choice to not steal from someone else, but that principle isn't just talking about material possessions. It speaks about rapid consumerism without thinking of how it affects the environment, the desire to possess what another person has, and copying of someone else's idea or content such as committing plagiarism for personal gain.

But, the most crucial thing we steal from one another and ourselves is time.

How do we steal time?

We do it when we speak in circles when we could choose instead to be clear with our communication.

We do it when we show up late and make others wait for us.

We do it when we say yes to something we don't fully intend to commit to keeping.

We do it when we spend time going over the past or worrying about our future and not living in our present.

We do it when we hold on to ideas and behaviors that no longer serve us for the better.

When we are living in the opposite mindset of Asteya, we are struggling with our jealousy and our fear of not having or being enough. To change this, we have to gain perspective on what's really happening in these moments where we are stealing. We need to awaken ourselves and be conscious of how our actions are affecting other people and the world in general.

How does practicing Asteya improve our well-being?

We are mindful of our actions.

Being mindful is at the heart of what Asteya is. It is about being fully present and in sync with the time as it exists. When we are present with ourselves, we are less likely to behave in ways that steal time from others as we will be more consciously aware of our thoughts and behavior and will have the ability to make more sound decisions. Mindfulness allows us to be more considerate of how we spend our time and how our actions affect others.

We are more conscious of the relationships we are creating.

This is about making conscious changes. Once you start waking up and being more present, it will take you a while to entirely change your behavior and patterns. When we gain perspective of how other people react to our presence in a nonjudgmental and loving way, we can review our role in the exchange. Annoyance generally stems from the stealing of time from one another. If you are one to speak in circles and feel the need to get your thoughts out, you may be annoying other people. This doesn't mean you should stop communicating with other people, but that you should be present with yourself when you are communicating with them. A lot of times, when we keep asking people the same questions, it is because we are not listening to the answers we need to hear. When you see you are annoying someone, take notice and ask yourself if you could have been better off streamlining your conversation beforehand or seeking the answers within.

We are more generous with our time.

When you are interacting with other people who need assistance, notice how this action makes you feel more present. Whether its' more time with family and friends or you are out volunteering, you may even see acts of stealing from others during this time, and in doing so, forgive them as you will forgive yourself. Bearing witness to other people's growth can help you understand your own as well. You will begin to deepen your sense of time and the value it holds.

We begin to live in gratitude.

Existing in a state of gratitude makes us understand our role in the Universe. It reminds us that we all have lessons to learn, and all learn in our own time and path. When we are present with our gratitude, we take pleasure in our growth and respect others. This respect leads us to be more mindful of our time and other people's time.

We begin to see abundance.

We may not naturally be a giving person, but we can choose to be giving. Empathy can be learned. You have to make a conscious choice to open up those pathways. When we are offering ourselves, and our time, we are embracing the vibration of abundance. Like anything worth learning, it will take time, and there will be resistance. But, do realize this is something worth investment of your time.

The roots of your fears and jealousy will become clear.

Knowing this will require us to dig deep within ourselves and do some serious inner healing. Daily journaling, therapy, and gaining perspective from your friends and family may help you uncover the roots of where your fears and jealousy exist. These two emotional states are at the center of what causes most issues of stealing. Once you've identified the roots, you can work to release what has been holding you back. If the origins are unidentifiable, they may be located in a past life or tangled within ancestral trauma. For these cases, you may need to connect with psychics or psychic mediums to help you with releasing the hold these emotions are having in your current life. Find a psychic keen on helping you with these issues by booking an online psychic reading for reassurance.

Affirmations help to give us balance and perspective.

Using affirmations daily can help you release issues of fear and jealousy. Combined with mindfulness meditation and journaling, they can have a powerful transformative effect on how you live your life but will take time. Affirmations take about 60-90 days of consistent use to be effective, and they work more efficiently while practicing self-hypnosis. You may consider reaching out to a hypnotherapist or a real psychic who can assist with helping you use affirmations.

Practicing forgiveness strengthens our connection to others.

Practicing forgiveness will not give you the time you lost back, but it will help you from losing time in the present and the future. A lot of times, we lose time with others when we are in a state of unforgiveness. We need to remember that we are all human beings living a human experience, and we will make mistakes. When we consciously harbor feelings of anger and resentment, we rob ourselves of living in the present and enjoying the lives we are living. Learn to let go with love and let it be. If not for them, do it for you and your peace of mind.

The more you practice Asteya, the more you will know a sense of abundance, a state of gratitude, and a life of mindful interactions with those you love. Practicing Asteya will bring you into feeling whole with yourself; mind, body, and spirit.