By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Career and Finance

How To Not Let Your Coworkers Psychically Drain Your Psychic Energy

We spend a lot of time at work with other people, and we must get along with them as best as we can. Sometimes some are a little less friendly and make our days longer than we would like. If you're an Empath or an HSP (highly sensitive person), these people will drain you. Learning strategies to best cope with the situation can be very useful in managing your day. Here are some helpful tips for anyone dealing with a toxic work environment.

Enjoy your life outside of work.

One of the best ways to combat work stress is to enjoy your time off fully. Take time to do things that you find fun and replenish your soul. Make sure to spend time with your loved ones and have as much solitary time as you need. Include exercise and self-care such as massage or reiki.

Create a safe space at your workplace.

Place crystals and stones around you to block their energy and raise the vibration of the area that you work. Add plants if your workplace allows that as having a little bit of Nature around you is healthy and will uplift your spirits. If you don't have a set space that is distinctly yours, carry a stone around with you and use it throughout the day; when stressed, grab the stone and focus on transmuting any of their negative energy your picking up and releasing it. This ritual will give you a sense of control, and if you hold the stone in your palm and squeeze, it will provide you with a physical release of your blocked energy that is healthy.

Don't take things personally. Learn to laugh it off.

You may not be able to do anything about how they behave, but you can choose how you respond. The initial feelings that rise, acknowledge them, but don't react to them. Reframe your perspective and try and see a sense of humor in the situation. Realize that their issues are not about you and are all about them.

Add guerrilla meditation to your daily routine.

Guerilla mediation is just a quick reset you can do during the day. It's a 5-minute practice of mindfulness meditation that you can do when you are on a break to help center yourself and regroup. Taking time when you need to will help you cope with any ongoing stress and give you the foundation you need to stay in a healthy state of mind even if you're around others who aren't taking care of themselves.

Get plenty of sleep!

If you go to work tired, you will end your workday exhausted. A lack of sleep will affect your mood and which in turn will affect your coworker's mood as they interact with you. Make sure you go to bed early, and if you have issues falling asleep, find a refreshing guided meditation to help you drift off to sleep or use self-hypnosis to make it faster.

Ask your coworker(s) out for a meal.

This may sound counterintuitive, but sometimes avoidance is the last thing you want to do. If you make a point of getting to know them a little better, and in turn, them getting to know you, the act may help release tension between the two of you. The act of breaking bread between people has helped resolve many conflicts, even if the conflict was never spoken. Once people interact during one meal, they tend to be more civil towards one another as they begin to realize we are all human beings having a human experience. An act of genuine kindness and sincerity speaks volumes.

Seek regular guidance.

If the situation at work is tense daily, consider using online psychic readings as a way to help you manage your stress. Working with psychics, they can tune in and give you insights about what is going on with your coworkers so you can figure out how to best manage your time with them. A psychic's ability to tune into them is just as crucial as their ability to tune into you and see what you're bringing into the situation and how you can change that. Getting this insight might also ease tensions between your coworkers as you will have a better idea of who they are and what is really going on with them. A real psychic that offers energy healing can help to transmute the negative energy you've picked up from them. Find a psychic keen on assisting you with your workplace struggles.

Practice gratitude.

Spend time every day practicing gratitude. In the morning, write down five things you are grateful for, and in the evening, do the same thing. The items you choose can be things that you are thankful for in the present, memories you have hard, or something that you are looking forward to in the future. When we practice gratitude, we raise our vibration, and that affects how others interact with us. If you're raising your vibration daily, it might inspire them to raise theirs without them even being conscious of it.