By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Loss and Grieving

How To Start Over When Your Life Is Turned Upside Down With Help From A Psychic Medium

Have you recently experienced losses? Are you experiencing a loss right now? Are you sitting in disbelief at the turn your life has taken? Do you want to turn back the hands of time?

You are not alone.

Everyone, at some point, will experience loss and grief. It can be frustrating and annoying. Loss and grief can cause anger to arise. Has there been a relationship break-up? Have you lost a job? Did someone you love pass on to the other side? Did someone scam you, and it cost you a lot of money? We will all experience most of these losses, which cause us grief. But how do you move forward? How do we pick up the pieces and continue? Everyone deals with loss and grief differently. Everyone has their capacity for what they can handle.

One way to start over is to view the loss as a lesson.

If you can extract the wisdom from that lesson, you now grow wiser. It is not an easy feat, but you can embrace every significant loss. As they say, what doesn't kill, you will only make you stronger. Everyone will fall, everyone will have a bad day-chances are, you will live to see another day. And, not to trivialize the loss or how great it may be, you have an opportunity to turn the situation around and start over. The best stories in life are full of the greatest come-backs!

Let's explore some significant losses and how to start over!

When a loved one has passed on.

How do we deal with life when we lose someone we love? Everyone knows someone who has passed away. The resulting feeling leaves us numb, disoriented, and quite possibly, some of us may feel that life is no longer worth living. Life is worth living! We have to embrace whatever nature throws our way, even death.

Acceptance is the key, not suppression.

We enter the first stage of denial-we do anything to avoid looking at what has taken place. Become silent, embrace the change, and tune in 100% because it will free your Soul. Many of us are desensitized; therefore, we suppress our emotions, and we step into avoidance. Suppression is depression. You are trapping all of the pain within you, taking on that burden. And if you are not careful, you will one day erupt. Try looking at death as a transition, a mere beginning, not an ending. It is alright to cry, and it is okay to take time to grieve.

One critical factor about grieving is the importance of taking the time you need but don't unpack and live there. It would be best if you carried on with your life. An important question to ask or to recognize is-Who are you crying for? Are you longing for the person who lost their life? Or, is this grief for your pain, your loss? Make sure you are grieving respectfully and not selfishly. There are many real psychics and psychic mediums that are available to help you process that loss of a loved one.

Did someone walk out of your life?

One of the first thoughts we all encounter when we lose a relationship is, "I will never love another again." So, how do you find strength when someone walks out of your life? The first thing you do is allow yourself to feel the disappointment. Allow yourself to feel the hurt, the upset. Although these emotions are painful, they are necessary as part of the grieving process, and the first sign of the healing process. The worst thing you can do is bottle up your emotions. Bottling up your feelings creates toxins and disease. If you fall into the bottling process, you are taking the risk of the feelings coming out the wrong way and at the wrong time.

Please remember, not everyone is meant to stay in your life. Some people are here for the sole purpose of teaching us a lesson, be grateful for that, and remain unattached to the outcome. The Universe is preparing you for the love of your life! Learn the lessons, let go, and keep trudging the road to a happy destiny! Reaching out to a psychic online for a Tarot reading for love can help you understand what is happening.

Moving on gracefully after losing your job is vital.

Many people in our society fall into depression when they lose their job. People feel as though they may lose their minds. Our jobs are our livelihood. This is how we keep the roof over our heads, feed and clothe our families, and maybe have a little jungle in our pocket after all the bills get paid. Losing a job can be devastating, but no responsibility is worth losing your mind over. Yet, another test from the Universe. It is your time for growth and renewal — time to get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes, the Universe does for us what we are not willing to do for ourselves. There are times when people have the same job for 10-15 years! Even if it has only been one year or six months, the devastation stings. Our jobs place value in our lives. When we lose our job, we feel as though our value and self-worth have also been taken.

For anyone dealing with unemployment-you are worthy! Keep your self-respect and your value vibrating high! We have to give ourselves our unique value system. Never let anyone define your true worth. Every one of us is priceless. Use this time as a window of opportunity to hone in on your talents, improve upon your skills, and let the creativity flow, go inward! If you do not have a job or have recently lost a job, why not create one with what you already know? Do what you have always wanted. Maximize your talent and real potential. The possibilities are endless.

All you must do is believe in yourself and your vision.

Use this time to reconnect with friends and brainstorm for inspiration. Use this time to catch up with family and, most importantly, to know thyself. Through all of this connectedness, opportunities will present themselves, so pay attention to the signs around you. And remember that the perception you have of yourself is far higher than the opinion other people have of you. In your downtime, do things to enhance your spirit. Go for a jog or go to nature and go hiking. Much inspiration can be gained from life while in nature. Be of service to others. Helping others keeps you humble. Start meditating if you have not already. Let the downloads of information flow through you. You can also connect with a psychic. Seek a psychic reading online in career and finance to gain further insight and clarity.

Strive toward inner-balance.

Set your intentions before you get out of bed in the morning and follow through with your goals. Once you have inner-balance, anything is possible. What makes this process difficult is our thinking. Nothing is wrong, but the thought makes it so. It is part of our social conditioning.

Have fun if you have lost your job. Celebrate! Let the magic happen differently in your life because you are worth it!