Jarring experiences: What is Astral Catalepsy?

Spirit asked me to share a conversation that I had with a friend, she has also given her permission!:

This morning, over coffee, my girlfriend and I were discussing how badly she sleeps, more precisely, wakes up!

She wakes up feeling sore, tired, weak, and shaky. This led us to the arena of Astral Projection and Astral Catalepsy. She remembers her messages and knows that she has traveled during the night.

Astral Projection, quite simply is the process of you traveling or Astral Projecting in your sleep. Have you ever dreamt that you were in China or in another part of the world? You are traveling in your sleep! Many people Astral Project in their sleep without even being aware of it.

Sylvia Browne, in her book 'Phenomenon,' addresses this in detail.

Astral Catalepsy is essentially, after you have traveled in your sleep, that you are jarred awake as you crash back into your body. It can cause you to wake up with a headache, feeling shaky and sore, or feeling dehydrated and coughing.

Optimally you would slide back into your body starting at the crown or top of the head and merge via the spinal column. That is the intention that I set each night when I go to bed, and I ask that I FULLY return to my body.

So what are the signs of Astral Catalepsy?

1. Paralysis

2. Shortness of Breath, often from some oppressive weight on the chest

3. Being touched by someone or something

4. An overwhelming vibration

5. Being pinned down and prevented from moving by an unseen presence

6. Loud Noises, from a buzz, hum, to a bang

7. The appearance of strange lights or waking up with a 'flash' (not unlike lightning) behind your eyes

8. The feeling that someone is sitting on the bed with you

This can be the cause for poor sleep, fatigue, inability to focus, and anxiety. For you wake you awaken feeling depleted.

What can be done to prevent it?

1. Wearing a grounding stone, such as a turquoise, black tourmaline, or ruby can assist you in safely returning to your body. Ruby and black tourmaline have the added benefit of protection as well.

2. Place a bag under your pillow, small like a sache, with a dime, a small sage wand or a small vial of sage essential oil, a picture or yourself, and a few pieces of hematite.

3. Before retiring for the night ask for the protection from your Angels, Guides, Ancestors, Animal Allies, all the come in love/light/truth/protection/healing to keep the energy in your home, auric field clear. Ask that you are safely returned to your body following any Astral Projection activity.

4. Avoid the use of stimulants after 4 in the afternoon. There are some herbs that are considered stimulants as well, such as rosemary. Certain incense, such as patchouli will stimulate you for many hours following the lighting of it.

5. Each morning stretch out before getting out of bed to unfold from the curled up positioning of your body during the night.

6. Do write down the insights that you gathered from the journeys in your slumber in your bedside journal.

Dear Ones, this phenomenon occurs more often than you think. It is not a nightly occurrence, but it can be frequently if you are a nocturnal traveler.

Each and everyday ask for the presence of your healing and protective Angels/Guides/Ancestors, and that should Astrally Travel that you have a safe and calm return to your sleeping body. Ask, also that the messages and information that you gathered while journeying, is retained in your waking memory so you can utilize the insights.

One hundred thousand blessings to you. 

In Divine Truth,

Psychic Shira