By Guest on Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Category: Health and Wellness

Loving Ourselves for Balance and Wellness of Our Psychic Energy with Laura Estelle

Loving others seems to come quite easy. Don't you agree? A lot of us are "givers," and we love with all of our might. It is built in us! The essence of us is love. We all think of love as an emotion that we feel, but more so, love is energy, an action. We know this because it is how we express love, through work. So it is no surprise that we lead with love in our lives. Whether it is our family, pets, friends, career, passions, hobbies, or possessions, we share the love that is inside of us with these people/things. Let's not forget ourselves in that bowl of love. When we love so much, sometimes it's easy to forget to give that love back to ourselves. We've all fallen victim to this.

"Have I loved myself enough first, to be able to give so much away?"

This question is fundamental because there must be a healthy balance of taking care of ourselves, loving ourselves first before we focus our love on these other things. How you will know if you have a healthy balance with the people/things you like is by the joy you feel when sharing your love. It is given freely and reciprocated. You are at peace, and you feel balanced. When there isn't a healthy balance, you will see, or experience, negative feelings, frustration, towards those people/things you have given all of your love to. Sometimes without realizing it. You can turn that around. Your Angels will be guiding you.

You have the power to create a healthy balance of loving yourself first, then others.

No one wants to feel frustrated when they are faced with giving too much of themselves, resulting in that person/situation, unable to match up to what you have been offering them — all of your love. You are in the driver seat of creating and keeping your healthy balance by living your life the way that makes you happy. You are responsible for your happiness to love yourself. Each right choice you make puts you onto a path of connecting to your soul. What a gift that is to yourself! Yes, when you choose to do what makes you happy, although it may affect other people (you are not in charge of their happiness, you are in charge of yours), you are choosing to love yourself. Fears and insecurities may be triggered by you enjoying yourself. Don't allow that to deter you. Have faith. There can be a balance.

We are love, so there is plenty to go around.

Yes, there are consequences for each choice we make. Keep that in mind as you love yourself, creating a healthy balance that will evoke mutual respect from others. When others see us loving ourselves first, they either offer that back to us, or they turn away from us because they have not learned to love themselves fully yet. We can't give what we don't have. Reality is, we are only responsible for our happiness. Living your truth, following your dreams, listening to your heart, those are the focus of loving yourself. Remain in faith that the joy you choose to put into your life will produce an abundance of success. You will be happy!

As we move along our journey of life, we encounter obstacles, meant to teach us lessons for us to grow.

Changes are part of our souls evolving more and more and loving ourselves better and better — a true blessing in disguise. How we react to these obstacles builds our character, integrity, grace, vulnerability, patience, all of the necessary qualities to better find that balance of loving ourselves. They are our teachers. Diligence is key. Have faith in yourself that you are doing the best that you can. We are all doing the best we can with what we know. If you are blessed to be given another day, try again. Thank you for what you have accomplished, what you have learned, and what you will achieve and learn on this given day. Be the best version of yourself you can be with confidence. You'll love yourself for it!

Much love,

Psychic Laura Estelle

As a psychic reader with Meet Your Psychic, I am known to be very honest, energetic, straightforward, down to Earth. I work with people to assist them with living a balanced life. My wish for you is to allow me to connect to your Angels so that I may gift you some clarity about your concerns that you are facing on your life journey. If you can sense we have a connection by reading my words, please reach out to me for your psychic online reading. I can also serve as a Psychic Medium for Mediumship.