By on Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Category: Abundance

Moving Past Instant Gratification: Inspirations from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

Welcome to my new and returning readers. It is a pleasure to connect with you. Thank you for liking, following, subscribing, and sharing.

When my son was a young child, taking him to the grocery store was one of the challenges I faced. The unhealthy foods were (and still are) prominently displayed on the lower shelves where children can see and ask for them. The more nutritious products were at the parental eye level. My son, being a toddler with only the thought of what he wanted NOW, would cry or express his discontent, blaming his father and me for not getting the Super Crunchy Sugar Bits that he knew he needed. If he did not listen, I would leave the grocery store and return later when I could come alone, not having to navigate the myriad of zero nutrition foods with a persistent child.

Often, when you and I ask for things, we are shopping at the lower level, asking for the Super Crunchy Sugar Bits cereal rather than hold out for our best and highest good. When you ask for a romantic situation to resolve in your favor, knowing that it is not the best situation for you (or even harmful to your development, safety, or well-being), when Spirit slows things down so you can see exactly what you are pushing to manifest, please see this as a blessing.

When things slow down, this is the Divine saying:


The goal is to spare you unnecessary pain and suffering, for you and I create our suffering in this life. When you push for the job where you make great money, but it tears down your health and leads to a life of depression and anxiety, you will ask in hindsight, "why did I take this job?" You thought you wanted it at the moment, only to discover that the extra money did not compensate for the loss to your marriage, family life, and free time. Maybe you missed out on the baseball games, scout meetings, ballet recitals, first steps, family weekend getaways, and those precious moments with your wife, husband, or significant other.

It is only when you are older when you feel and sees the reality of where being married to your work has gotten you. Perhaps you are pushing to get into a new house, but it is roadblock-after-roadblock with the financing. There are aspects to be worked out before making this move. Perhaps there is a better house for you, or you will be moving with your job and needing to relocate. There are reasons for the delays in your life! Yet, you and I maneuver through our adult lives still going for the Super Crunchy Sugar Bits cereal, wanting and craving things NOW that will cause painful lessons to manifest, set us back, or take us out of Divine flow.

Do you want to be a top-shelf shopper or going for the fast and easily attainable goals in your life? Will it be as gratifying as you imagine? Will you have grown by making that choice? Did you take a look at the people that were making that choice alongside you? Is that the kind of reputation you want to have? I was watching an inspirational lecture by a well-known doctor. It took the presenter, 15 minutes to introduce him listing his training, degrees, experience, and humanitarian alliances. I eagerly anticipated his talk after the glowing introduction by one of his own University fellows.

I listened with rapt attention as he discussed his ideas on the economy, commerce, education, family, and the language each of us uses to present ourselves to the world. He talked about the changes that we, as a society, must make to ensure the successful attainment of success as adults. He spoke of accountability for our choices and their impact on our future, especially the small ones. He received a standing ovation, and justly so, for he inspired all who listened, to take their goals up several notches.

Back to that Super Crunchy Sugar Bits cereal. Time to let go of that which no longer serves you, dear ones. Time to take your life to the next level by allowing fo of unhealthy thoughts, feelings, desires, relationships, and life choices. Time to soar, find your wings! Time to stop demanding that our purchase for Super Crunchy Sugar Bits cereal is met, and to ask, "Do you have a better option for me that I am not seeing?"

Now time to listen to my friends, and follow the inspiration you receive.

I love you, and I believe in you.

In Divine Truth and Love,

Psychic Shira

Shira has been a real psychic reader for over 35 years, channeling Angelic/Spirit messages and healing topics for her clients. She holds several degrees and believes in empowering you to be your personal and professional best. Her goal is to leave things better than she finds them, which drives her in her quest for transparent and insightful readings. If you are a regular client of Shira's, you will have heard her ask Spirit, "where is the healing?" Shira's blogs and articles are intended to cultivate empathy and break free of the patterns holding you back in your life. Book your psychic online reading with her today.