Pendulums are a means to a quick yes or no answer to any question you may have. All you need is a piece of string or rope or chain and an object tied to the end that is significant to you, or you may buy one ranging in size and price.
Hold the pendulum loosely at the top to get a swing motion. It would be best if you did not make it swing. The point is to hold the top of the string or rope or chain, so it is still, and let the object gain momentum itself to give you a specific answer to your questions.
Start by getting to know your pendulum. You may first want to ask what the answer no looks like to you. Then once established, ask what the answer yes is supposed to look like to you. Everyone's answers may look different, but yours will be the way it will answer every time for you.
For example, a no for me, maybe a circle swing, or a yes for you may be a circle. A yes for me could be a back and forth movement and a no for you. It really doesn't matter as long as you establish this from the beginning. It will always swing one way for one answer and the other opposite.
Concentrate on the question asking only very direct yes or no questions, and let your fingers not persuade the object or direction of motion. Pendulums can be an enjoyable, informative, and accurate means to help yourself or a client.
Remember, you always have free choice, and so do others. Nothing is ever set in stone, so if you get an answer, you're not happy with trying again later or changing the situation to affect the outcome you want.
For example: Asking will I get the job tomorrow morning I'm interviewing for? The pendulum answers no may mean you need to prepare a little better for your interview before morning to persuade them to hire you! Don't get caught up in the details.
Have fun, and remember it's only a tool and will give you more accurate information. The more time and energy you invest in using your pendulum, the more it will help you receive answers to better your circumstances.
Blessings of love and light.
Hold the pendulum loosely at the top to get a swing motion. It would be best if you did not make it swing. The point is to hold the top of the string or rope or chain, so it is still, and let the object gain momentum itself to give you a specific answer to your questions.
Start by getting to know your pendulum. You may first want to ask what the answer no looks like to you. Then once established, ask what the answer yes is supposed to look like to you. Everyone's answers may look different, but yours will be the way it will answer every time for you.
For example, a no for me, maybe a circle swing, or a yes for you may be a circle. A yes for me could be a back and forth movement and a no for you. It really doesn't matter as long as you establish this from the beginning. It will always swing one way for one answer and the other opposite.
Concentrate on the question asking only very direct yes or no questions, and let your fingers not persuade the object or direction of motion. Pendulums can be an enjoyable, informative, and accurate means to help yourself or a client.
Remember, you always have free choice, and so do others. Nothing is ever set in stone, so if you get an answer, you're not happy with trying again later or changing the situation to affect the outcome you want.
For example: Asking will I get the job tomorrow morning I'm interviewing for? The pendulum answers no may mean you need to prepare a little better for your interview before morning to persuade them to hire you! Don't get caught up in the details.
Have fun, and remember it's only a tool and will give you more accurate information. The more time and energy you invest in using your pendulum, the more it will help you receive answers to better your circumstances.
Blessings of love and light.
Psychic Magical