Your internal compass within yourself allows you to connect with the right people who will uplift you, encourage you even bring JOY. But? what about that deep burning, passionate love? You know, that kind of "can't breathe without you" type of love?
Your soul is longing for this desiring, hoping, praying even.
But just like you are burning inside, so is your soulmate! You can feel this on all levels, sense this even, and then connect emotionally, spiritually, and mentally with this kind of love. No one can share this. Only soulmates share this!!
So are you experiencing a bond, a love so strong that no one can separate the both of you, or is the connection that you have with the individual seem mental only? Maybe you want to have a soulmate connection, but the relationship only brings you further apart. Find out precisely who and what this individual is in your life what has brought them in your life.
Is it love or a lesson?
Psychic Tess