In working with astrological charts, I began to discover that there are sometimes patterns that create a shape within its astrological correlations as to planets.
Assessing the formation and determining the houses the planets fall on can explain personal aspects in the person and to which area of life it may affect them. Hemisphere analysis is one of the most obvious of the various patterns that will be seen in an astrology chart. If you get a printout of your birth chart and fold it once vertically and once horizontally, take note of which area has a significant number of planets there.
This has nothing to do with the planets themselves but how many worlds are overtaking the side. In addition to the number of planets, the area above the horizon suggests the individual's persona is an extrovert. An extrovert meaning one looks for recognition and endorsement.
If the planets are overshadowed in the lower half of the equator to ascendant is known as the lower hemisphere. If there are six or more planets in the lower hemisphere, it is suggested that the introverted personality is one that needs self-seclusion from time to time. This individual regenerates .in alone time, privacy, and self-fulfillment.
Eastern and western hemispheres to which planets are on the right side or left side of the chart. In other words, this is pertaining to the top of the MC (midheaven) to the bottom of DC (descendant). In the diagram to which planets are aporetically on the eastern hemisphere, it is believed the power in paving one's path through life and the ability to manifest. This is an individual who is very much independent and intolerant of other beings who cannot call the shots as they can.
Suppose there are seven or more planets on the right side of the astrological chart. In that case, this amplifies the realities of these individuals' dependencies on the circumstances and more than they let show. This is a person who is challenged through procrastination.
This method is a quick and easy way to summarize a short interpretation of an individual's chart.
Psychic Frances