Tarot Card of the Day: Deer

Deer has entered your life Dear Ones, to let you know that you know that the time to be kind and gentle with yourself is now. Deer can effortlessly camouflage in her natural environment, blending in and giving themself a time to be restored after times of deep stress.

Deer is reminding you that you have come through a time of 'environmental fragmentation' and asks that you tuck away, and let go of all that has been troubling you. Deer reminds you that it is imperative for your health that you let others learn their life lessons and that you are mindful of the Life Purpose that you have here and now.

Deer has gentle strength, and can leap and run freely as well as lightly through her home environment. Deer's soft spirit will liberate you from the harshness that you have imposed into your life and permitted into your sphere of influence.

Deer is here to say that your healing is here and now. Allow her soft nuzzles to awaken you to your supple skin and your bright spirit. Reclaim the time that you felt joyful and free in your being. Your time to reconnect with your flow and organic self is now.


Take a day to yourself, and indulge in that hot bath, curl up by the fire, read a book that you have had gathering dust on your nightstand, or go for a healing hike through the woods.

Dear Ones, I believe in you and see that the healing of the past pains and experiences are close at hand. Look in the mirror with the gentle eyes of the Deer, and see your essence underneath the rough patina that has permeated your life in recent months.

Today is a fresh new day, seize this time, allow Spirit and Source to wrap you up in love and comfort. Be like the Butterfly and allow the cocoon to crystalize around you, so that you can emerge with a new set of wings and sense of purpose.

I see your a brighter and happier future for you, Dear Ones. 

Psychic Shira