Tarot Card of the Day: King of Wands

The King of Wands has entered your life today to let you know that starting today.

You are the Visionary in your life!

He invites you to see the patterns around you that need to be changed, released, and replaced.

He asks that you connect with your energy matrix and see the reality of the skill sets and ideas with which you are operating. That you be ready, willing, and able to release them and move forward into the bright, happy, abundant life that you richly deserve.

This is your time to step away from the old ways of doing things, that go back to your childhood, and to establish your own ways of doing and being. It is time to individuate and determine what is yours, and what belongs to others.

The Kings of Wands asks that you be released back to the Universe and the Universal Matrix, all that no longer serve you. The flood of abundance and blessings will secure the presence of success and happiness in your life. It will bring into your life reciprocal relationships! It will wipe the slate clean, and you have a squeaky clean new start!


Make a list of the ways that you feel limited. Do a daily meditation asking Spirit to reveal to you the pattern that needs to be released. Ask for that to be filled with one that is more productive.

Dear Ones, I see that you are learning the lesson of release and claim.

I love you and I believe in you.

One hundred thousand blessings. 

Psychic Shira