Tarot Card of the Day: The Horned One

The Horned One represents the Sacred Warrior, who peacefully resides alone or with a few judiciously chosen companions, and knows when to stand up for what is right, and is willing to offer all of himself/herself to the cause.

The Horned One vibrates to the number 70. The number 70 in math pertains to Weird and Sphenic numbers. Weird Numbers are based on a rational sequence that adds up to the number 70 or 74, and Sphenic numbers are the addition of prime numbers which add up to the number 70. There were 70 Angels in Buddhism, the Kaballah, and in Islam. 70 Warriors stood alongside Mohammed.

Mary lived 70 years as the Mother of Jesus according to historical records.

This is a very special card, for it denotes that each of us is connected to a faith and understanding so deep that we are not aware of the magnitude of the web.

I am a Quantum Physics fan, and have been hooked into 'The Elegant Universe' by Brian Greene many years ago. In this inspiring book he discusses the principles of String Theory, something that Albert Einstein was working on when he passed.

In String Theory it states, simply, that we are all connected to one another. String Theory calls this 'Degrees of Freedom.' Let's make it even easier. We are all connected by a Universal Web, the Japanese call this 'Ichinen Sanzen' (we are all one energy), this web rather than being flat has a curved manifestation to accomodate for the scope and mass of the fabric of the Universe. When you tug on one end, it can be felt throughout this web.

The Horned One, knows that she/he is connected to the Sacred Web of life and that the action or inaction that they take affects all portions of this fabric. Have you ever had a time when you thought of somebody and they called you in that moment?

Your tug on the web created the interaction!

The Horned One is reminding us that we are made of the Sacred fabric of the Universe. That having faith even when things seem dark or impassable is essential to our well being and in fact, DOES impact those around us and miles away!

The Horned One reminds us that it is important to be honest, and to face our lives with the fierceness of the Sacred Warrior who knows when to lay down his/her arms and when to pick them up.

The Horned One is Wise, and not interested so much in material gain, but rather in living within the Sacred Truth of the matter at hand. Regardless of that truth, they face it head on and with great courage. That does not mean that they are never fearful, far from it!They stand within their truth with utter conviction and have the faith to know that if they act according to these standards that only goodness and the revelation of the truth will manifest.

They know whom to seek for counsel, and who they cannot trust.

They are able to set aside their own agenda and see the greater good for all.


Think about an issue where you need to stand in courageous truth. Work from a place of heart-centered awareness of what your core values are.

What is your role in the situation? Are you taking ownership for your part of the circumstances?

Is this a time to lay down your arms and be the pacifist, or is it your time to put on your armour and take action?

(might for right)

Dear Ones, I have faith in your ability to tap into your deep Wisdom, Honesty, and Sacred Spirit. I believe that with right action and thought that you can lead a life of balanced abundance. There is only one of you in the expansive Universe, be the best that you can in all circumstances!

Psychic Shira