Tarot Card of the Day: The King of Cups

The King of Cups has come into your life today to let you know that you can find balance between your intellect and your emotions. This card is about control of the emotions in a very liberating way.

The King of Cups is the perfect balance between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Male energies. He is kind, thoughtful, generous, compassionate, truthful, and keeps his promises.

He recognizes when he needs to 'make amends,' and when he has no responsibility in the situation. He is a man of honor who lives in balance.

The King of Cups is reminding you that it is time to step up and follow his lead. For in order to prosper, as the King of Cups does, you must own what is yours, make amends, forgive, and operate from a place of balance and understanding.


Today, practice generosity to those around you. Whether it is buying somebody a cup of coffee, massaging your mates shoulders in the evening, or offering to assist a friend or coworker with a project. For this will surely flow back to you in greater abundance than you can imagine!

Dear Ones, I believe in you and see that you are doing your best each day to be kind, loving, authentic, and generous. I see that you are learning the lesson that generosity is not just about money, but about the energy that you give in order to help another.

I love and believe in you!