Humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. It is a spiritual evolution of consciousness that is awakening humanity to its true purpose here and Divine origin. Many conscious individuals on spiritual paths are preparing for this in their own unique ways. They realize that now is the time to awaken to their origins and to realize the potential we as human beings have to take responsibility for ourselves and for the planet Earth.

Twin Flames have a special contribution to make and they are coming together in numbers at this time to assist with the ascension process both at the individual and planetary level. When Twin flames join together in harmony and love, they generate a vortex of energy that can be imagined as a light in the darkness of society's consciousness.

Through the reunion of the Twin Flame energies, and by complementing and completing each other energetically, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its individual parts. The two create three--a trinity--and the third aspect is a very potent force of love and light at an extremely heightened and pure level.

The Twin Flame dynamic is slightly different than the energy that is being generated by individuals or groups of people who are working together on spiritual levels. The twin flames have a unique offering for each other and this in turn helps to expand their own service to humanity. Each twin flame unit around the world can be thought of as individual flames, each igniting one another in succession, and each representing a conscious and harmonious relationship between the twin flames as a unified whole. As each of the Twin Flames multiply and expand in consciousness there will be so many flames, so much light and energy of that particular frequency on the planet that it will act as a catalyst to help bring about the expected breakthrough of consciousness within the whole of humanity on the planet.