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3 Uplifting Ways To Fight Feelings of Uncertainty in 2021

Our lives as we know them are evolving in ways we might not have believed a few years ago, but here we are. How are you embracing the uncertainty that is now a part of your daily life?

For many to engage with the idea of uncertainty is unwelcomed. Most of us prefer stability and gravitate towards what we know to be accurate and grounding for us. We are being called to rise and lean into a life of creative innovation. This innovation isn't just one for financial attainment, but more towards emotional and spiritual enlightenment. Our push to accept uncertainty in our daily lives is our destiny to become a better version of ourselves and rise as a community.

We need to heal ourselves and each other to move forward. The best ways to do that are to uplight each other without forgetting our shadowing aspects, individually and as a community. We are as one. 

Evolve with creating therapeutic art 

Find a creative outlet to express your fears, anxieties, hopes, and dreams. Engaging with your own emotions and intellectual processing of displacement will help you move through and release anything that is holding you back or challenging you in ways that are creating discomfort. Experiment with the format and allow yourself to wrestle with ideas that you are struggling with accepting.

Be receptive to receive information from your Spirit Guides and Angel Guides. In contrast, you will commune with this process, so you may be inspired to carry on more empathy and compassion towards yourself and others during this time of transition and unease.

Transform by finding humor 

Humor is healing. Seek out ways to uplift yourself daily with things that make you laugh and feel lighter. Look for humor that helps you see the world in a more transformative way rather than just focusing on life's negative aspects. Humor can be varied, so it is essential to be mindful that you aren't gravitating towards mocking or belittling others through humor. 

Satire can be one form of positive transformation that also forces people to see the truth in any given situation. It can also be healing just to seek out light humor to balance all the heaviness that is going on in the world. A balance of both kinds of humor is in your best interest.

Develop a better sense of community with a gratitude practice 

If you develop a practice of gratitude daily, one way to build on that practice is to share your appreciation with others. This type of inspiration can also guide others to join in with you, and then you are a light of hope in your community and relationships. A daily gratitude practice can be sharing one thing, person, or memory you are grateful for in your life and how it helps you throughout your day. You can even give thanks or appreciation to one person in your life publicly for how they shaped your life. Doing this will help you see the best aspect of your own life and uplift others as well. It may even deepen your relationships with others.

Is uncertainty becoming too much for you? Reach out to one of our expert psychics online today. 

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