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7 Surprising Psychic Gifts We Receive From Feeling Fear

There is a lot of negative mindsets about fear and the value it holds in our society. We don't view fear as an emotion that can be useful, but it very much is. Fear has its place as it should. It is not something to dismiss or belittle. Fear is a fantastic motivator to push us into doing what is right for ourselves, for our family and our community.

Fear gives us awareness

When we sense fear, we are in touch with that psychic part of ourselves that maybe tapping into things we aren't consciously aware of at the moment. It grounds us in ourselves if we can adequately adjust ourselves to tune into its' meaning. Fear pops up to our consciousness when something is out of place. Heighten your senses, and you will get a better psychic reading on when it is being useful or reacting out of old, unhealed trauma.

Fear gives us strength

Fear flexes and strengthens our intuition if we use it right. It is only toxic if we let fear control our lives. The awareness you gain from feeling fear allows you to be at the driver's seat of your anxiety. Just because you are feeling it, doesn't mean you have to cave into it. Let it inform you rather than steer the course. View it as a map, and you decide which way you want to go with it. This is how fear gives us strength. It teaches us resilience and perseverance.

Fear activates our creative mind

Activating our imagination centers is an excellent thing for fear to do. The trick is in not allowing fear to take it over in a way that defeats you. Even if you dive into negative thoughts from anxiety, don't be afraid to listen and pay attention! The lesson here is to learn how to be proactive and consider creative ways to solve problems and situations that are happening, or that might arise. Many amazing inventions come out of a spiral of negative thinking and turning it into how I can make the world a better place. This is a true gift of feeling fear!

Fear reminds us of what we need to overcome

When we deny ourselves what we fear, sometimes it will come up and sneak up on us. This reminds us of the lessons we need to learn that fear is teaching us. Using our strength, our awareness, and our creative thinking skills, we can move forward in overcoming any obstacle thrown at us.

Fear reminds us of what is important

The moment we are afraid of losing someone or something, we realize the importance they hold in our lives. Maybe we have been taking them for granted and regret bubbles to the surface. Perhaps we know we have placed our love and need for respect in the wrong places as well. Maybe our jobs and careers don't hold us much weight as we realized, and now we fear where to go from next. These are important to consider because fear can help us take a life inventory of what is missing and what needs to be released in our lives.

Fear challenges our perceptions of reality

Fear can sometimes be our most excellent teacher. It can teach us how we perceive the world and how others do as well. It can show us who is kind and who to be afraid of in dire circumstances. On our worldly scale, it can serve as the greatest equalizer and unite people who were once fraught with anger and hatred towards one another. When fear turns into compassion and unity, it evolves and entire society into a better community that serves everyone rather than a few elite.

Fear is a powerful motivator

You will never have a more powerful motivator than fear. Our life lessons and our destinies are distinctly intertwined with the experiences we need to learn from fear. Fear is the ultimate fire as it creates the force that builds our courage. If we didn't feel fear, we could never be courageous. Some of the bravest among us are ones that are the most afraid but push through anyways as they have learned the lessons that fear has so gracefully been trying to teach us all our lives.

How will you use fear as a positive force in your life? If you don't know the answer to that question, consider a consultation with an online psychic reader who specializes in helping people discover their life purpose. Psychics are very much attuned to what is unfolding in our lives right now and can give you online psychic guidance about how to face your fears and anxiety. We are at the point of evolving as a society, and this brings out great fear as change can be painful, but it can also lead us to a more holistic and healthy community. 

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