Sun Sign Compatibility
If there were ever two opposites attracted to each other, it would be Aries and Capricorn. Aries sees and experiences the world externally whereas Capricorn sees and experiences the world internally. They could, if they were willing and open, learn the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective from their partner.
The independence of each of them will prove challenging especially when it comes to home life. Aries will insist on vibrant colors especially red and more contemporary furnishings. Capricorn will desire more of a traditional look with browns and grey.
Modality Compatibility
There is potential here with their energy modes. Both enjoy change, but Aries likes surprises and Capricorns want to do the surprising. This could create amazing sexual tension and romance especially if Aries is willing to allow Capricorn to take the romantic lead.
Element Compatibility
An Aries wants to fly above reality and a Capricorn wants to be in the human experience. These two have opposing experiences and expectations from daily life that conflict with each other's needs. Aries will become bored of Capricorn's pragmatic needs. Capricorn will become tired of Aries impulsivity and reactivity outside of the bedroom.
Energetic Strengths
They both love new experiences, but the attention to details that excites the Capricorn will "slow down" the impatient Aries in a way they find frustrating. Leaning into new experiences and learning together will help them to understand each other's styles and how they trigger each other in both positive and negative ways. These two share a love of learning and acquiring knowledge that is beneficial to both of their long-term growth.
Energetic Challenges
Aries' tendencies to be harsh and impulsive in speaking will not be taken well by the critical and judging Capricorn. These two will need to learn how to communicate in healthy ways and fight productively if they are to have any kind of a healthy relationship. Among all other types of relationships, this astrological connection tends to be the least forgiving of each other overall. They will need to lean into unconditional love to overcome all obstacles.
How to Create Astrological Balance
This connection will be challenging and full of disagreements on how to approach even life's smallest challenges as they are not very compatible. However, these two can learn a lot from each other if they are willing to change their fixed perceptions on pacing and patience. One activity these two may benefit from doing is physical exercise that requires them to get in sync with each other such as riding tandem bicycles. Knowing how to navigate and react to each other physically will help them in other ways in the relationship.