Sun Sign Compatibility
These two Sun signs want similar things out of life so building a foundation for them to have stability is there. With love and understanding, these two work hard at making a relationship work with devotion and patience. Values, lifestyle needs, and desires help these two create a loving relationship and beautiful home.
Many shades of green dominate the interior and exterior of the dwelling. Plants are everywhere and even though the walls are white, they are adorned with loving photographs of family and friends and the occasional watercolor painting. There is a sense of sentimentality and traditional values in their sanctuary.
Modality Compatibility
The cardinal energy of the Cancer compliments Taurus' fixed energy and they work well to resolve conflict together. Taurus' patience is key to working through any stubbornness they bring towards the Cancer and any possible changes. These two benefit by channeling their energy in home improvement projects and doing craftwork together. The combination of physical engagement and creative processing helps them bring their energy together in a loving way, transmuting any negativity along the way.
Element Compatibility
The Water sign and Earth sign create a solid foundation for a relationship with each other that is also flexible. A steady flow of love and loyalty flows between these two and grows over time. These two also spend a lot of time with family and friends. Generally, there is a close relationship with their extended family as well.
Energetic Strengths
Creativity and loyalty are strengths in this relationship especially when it comes to problem-solving. These two can figure out any situation and how to make it better for each other. The key is devotion. Hobbies and fun vacations are part of their lifestyle, even as they try to watch the budget.
Energetic Challenges
The challenges they face will be the issues that arise from withholding information and being stubborn and uncompromising. Cancer will need to share more often and Taurus will need to be more willing to hear. Creating a time and place for them to discuss any grievances will help them build a healthy foundation in which to communicate in a safe space with each other.
How to Create Astrological Balance
A highly compatible match, their personalities help to balance each other with their strengths and weaknesses. Although they could be seen as friends and coworkers, these two have a better chance within a lifelong romantic bond. These two are meant to be twin flames or soulmates.