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How To Achieve Positivity In Disheartening Times

Trying to remain positive and hopeful in the year 2020 is proving to be the century's challenge. So much has happened over the year, and it feels as if our energy and focus is being pushed and pulled into a myriad of directions. There are strategies you can use to manifest the best life for yourself this year and beyond. The primary key in helping you maintain a sense of positivity is to get positive energy in home. 


By burning sage, using a sage spray, or using the essential oil in a diffuser, you will want to bring sage into your home. Sage is a spiritually uplifting scent that can also help combat viruses and bacteria. When using it consistently, it raises the vibration of your home and everyone in it. Make sure to use variations of sage to increase the frequency daily. This method is vital in uplifting your mood, energy, and spirit.

Base Chakra Meditation 

This type of meditation focuses on your root chakra. By beginning and ending your day with this meditation practice, you will elevate your thoughts and ground your body. It will help relieve tension and dispel any negative feelings or ideas you have collected over the day or sleeping. One of the best ways to practice this is by using sound music in the background. Specifically, ones that work on releasing fear, worry, and anxiety as those tend to be rooted in this chakra. Removing these will help raise your positive vibes.

Feng Shui

Some people swear by the practice of Feng Shui for positive energy at home. This ancient healing art form utilizes the arrangement of furniture, mirrors, and items of value to be explicitly placed in the house. The idea is that it directs negative energy inside and encourages negative energy to leave. Creating harmony in the home raises all the occupants' frequency and helps you attract what you want in your life.

Finding Your Spirit Guides 

Another way to bring more positivity to your life is to find your spirit guides and ask for assistance. Ask them specifically to help you create more harmony and positivity in your life for longevity. Many of us have life lessons to learn, and Spirit Guides will often assist us during this time, but it won't hurt to ask them for guidance to make the quality of your life better in the here and now.

Adding Air Purifying Plants

One earthly method of raising the positive energy in your home is to add a few plants. Focus on plants that can purify the air and you will not only add to the physical harmony of the home, but to the spiritual harmony of the home. Air purifying plants help to clear the air and the value of having living plants within your home will increase your positive feelings of having Nature inside your dwelling. Considering talking to your plants as well and giving them names!

Keeping A Gratitude Journal

This one seems the most simple and can have the most impact. Just by writing down three times a day of what you are grateful for in your life when you wake up in the morning can create positive mindset shifts throughout your day and week. This tool also becomes a useful resource when you feel out of sorts and need something to lean on to uplift your energy. It is the terrific mental self care to bring this habit into your life in whatever form you want it to take. Some people write in a journal, others write on a piece of paper and place it in a jar, and some will create a visual diary for gratitude or a vision board to incorporate the daily entries. Do what feels to be the best method for you.

Crystal Bowls

Crystal bowls come in a variety of sizes and types. A quartz one is a perfect pick for harmonize the home and bringing in more positive energy. Some will use these bowls during meditation practice, or you can listen to a recording of crystal bowls, depending on your budget and willingness to invest in this method of sound healing.

Discover Your Best Form Of Exercise

Exercise is crucial in relieving tension in the body, but not all exercise types work for everyone. Walking is lovely, especially if you can go outside in Nature and walk. Swimming is perfect for water signs, and dancing is ideal for air signs. You may have to get creative in this day and age to find the best exercise for you to practice if you are quarantined or need to stay home. One method is a mini rebounder as it exercises every cell in the body and can easily elevate your mood and mindset.

Let Go Of Expectations

Lastly, you will want to let go of any expectations you have for anything. This doesn't mean give up enjoyment. It merely means to be in the moment and enjoy what you have in the now. Engaging with the present and not worrying about what happened or what will help you achieve more positive thoughts and feelings. Holding on to our expectations can often be the one factor that holds us back from being truly happy with our lives, no matter what is going on in the world around us.

 In case you require speaking with someone who can help you raise your vibration, call us at 1-877-987-7792 and speak with one of our psychics who specialize in helping you with your spiritual wellbeing.

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