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How To Have a Great Psychic Reading: Insights from Psychic Shira

Bright Greetings,

Welcome to my new and returning readers. Thank you for liking, sharing, subscribing, and letting me know what is on your mind. I hope that my blog is helpful and insightful to you.

Please continue asking for the topics that you would like illuminated by Spirit. In the time that I have been doing readings, I started when I was 13, I have developed the pro and con list for the optimal experience and to receive the most information.

So here goes:

Do: Use your voice and energy to ask questions! Part of the process in verbalization is releasing the compartmentalized energy around the issue(s) you are experiencing. By verbalizing it, you clear out the baggage that comes along with it. Steer Clear of saying only What do you see in me? That being a broad question, Spirit will address what they see as the most critical concern or the greatest need. If you want something specifically addressed, ask directly.

Do: Breathe during your session. Holding your breath blocks your ability to receive or even for you to hear. Steer Clear of holding your breath as it puts your body into crisis and self-preservation. For good clearing breaths, breath in and out through your mouth. Sharp inhale, gentle exhale. 3 - 7 times if at all possible.

Do: Open hour energy to hearing what your Spiritual Crew has to share with you. Set your script aside! You did not call to hear your script; you called for honest answers to liberate you from the blockages and issues you are having. Steer Clear of being resistant. Even though the message may not be pertinent at this exact moment, it will be as you move forward. I have often received messages ahead, sometimes as much as ten years. Keeping a journal really helps to track the guidance you have received.

Do: In a mediumship session, please accept who comes through for you. It may not be the person you called for, but it will be the person who needs to connect with you. Steer Clear of demanding that your loved ones (who have crossed over) show up! This will cause the flow in the session to stop abruptly, for, in the spiritual realm, it takes a great deal of energy for them to come through for you. Offer gratitude to whoever came through for you.

Do: Write down any questions that you have. It is a form of Psychic Amnesia, for as soon as you connect, about half of your questions go out of your mind. Steer Clear of driving or other activities when you are getting your reading. There are so many nuances that you can miss. Your time is essential, and we want you to get as much as you can from our time together.

Do: Have your phone to your ear or use Bluetooth technology. Steer Clear of having your phone on speaker, for it can cause an echo, and your reader may have to repeat the same message in repetition. We want you to get the most you can from your reading. (we being myself and your Spiritual Team!)

Do: Please come into your sessions sober and clear-headed. Steer Clear of drug use or drinking before your reading. Over the years, I have had people call for readings 4 - 5 cocktails into their day, only to forget what Spirit shared after the reading. You will want to remember the messages of love from your Angels, Guides, and Ancestors.

Do: Ask questions other than WHY. Ask what you are meant to be learning from this? How can I improve? What am I doing well? Where are my strengths? Am I with the right romantic partner? You get the idea. Please be open to what Spirit has to share. Steer Clear of asking WHY as it is more of a comparison-based question. Why did I get passed up for a promotion? Joe got promoted, and I have been there longer. Why can't I find a long-term romantic partner? Why is the Universe against me? While they are legitimate queries that get you nowhere...fast.

Do: Meditate prior to your reading if you can. Part of the process of getting a reading is to reinforce your beautiful intuition! Spirit wants you to know that you can see the signs and tap into your unique intuitive gifts. As a reader, I am here to support you in this and validate that you are amazingly tuned in to your life in more ways than you know. Steer Clear of dashing into a reading. When you come in with a thousand things on your mind, it is much like the image of a cyclone picking up barns, busses, cars, and houses and twisting around and around. There is a healing frequency sent through the reading in addition to the information you receive. You want to get every bit of goodness you can!

Do: Book enough time. While you can extend your time 10 minutes at the end of your call, interrupting the flow of information does necessitate you getting back on track. Steer Clear of trying to get 30 minutes worth of questions into 10 or 15 minutes. Make sure that your list of questions is the top queries you want to be addressed.

Do: Ask one question at a time and step away from rapid-fire questioning. Steer Clear of Rapid Fire Questions as you are formulating the next question versus listening to the answer that has been offered to you. With Rapid Fire Questions, you also tend to repeat the same question. Let's make the best use of your time with Spirit!

Do: Work in tandem with Spirit. Be present for the flow of your reading. Steer Clear of arguing with your Guides and Angels (via your reader). This is your time to connect with healing messages. Even though they are not wanted to hear, they may be what is needed.

Do: Differentiate your Psychic from the person or people you are out of sync within your life. Steer Clear of transferring people's energy that has harmed or wronged you to another reader or anyone else. Unless you are in your therapist's office and doing an exercise that indicates using someone as a surrogate energy, it does not serve you or the people with whom you are doing this.

Do: Know that myself and the other amazing readers at Meet Your Psychic are here because we love you, and we love our work. We are here for you. Working with you is a joy, honor, and privilege.

Lastly: Let kindness and consideration flow both ways. This reading is a collaboration of Divine Support. We are all Divine Children. Let us treat each other with the deepest love and regard.

Thank you for this time together. I love you, and I believe in you.

Your Spiritual team is with you and supporting you each moment of each day. If you would like to connect with me, I am at extension 1093.

In Divine Truth and Love,

Psychic Shira 

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