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Psychics Explain How Shame Shapes Your Decisions & How To Fix It

We all experience shame at various points in our life. Still, this emotion can be so deeply woven into the subconscious behavior that it may drive us to make detrimental decisions in our lives. Unlike guilt, shame can hide from you. Or, more importantly, make you hide from your life.

Shame shows up in our relationships with ourselves, with family, with our coworkers. It even shows up in our relationships with our ideals, dreams, and goals.

For example, if you feel a need to shame others for their behavior, then you need to look at what that says about you and your past with that behavior. A lot of times, we will compensate and project on others our failings and weaknesses. If you feel ashamed of who you are, you will be aggressive towards others who are like you, even when you don't want to acknowledge it.

It will also affect your dreams and goals as you may be driven to compensate for past behavior by trying to rectify a shameful event in your past. You may need to complete this cycle for your emotional healing before moving on to your real life purpose.

Working through shame takes a lifetime of work and awareness. The best place to start is by developing a deep level of self-compassion. We are all here to learn lessons and grow, and there is no shame in continued personal growth. All is for learning, even if that learning takes a lifetime.

One of the best ways to grow self-compassion is by reminding yourself of three things you love daily. Seem self-centered? Try it! If you are resisting to think of three reasons that you love about you, then that is shame showing itself. An easy entry into shifting your mindset is to start with the concept of celebrating. What do you celebrate about yourself? What about yourself makes you feel joy? That is where the vibration of love sits. That is where you will heal and grow.

The next step in healing a lifetime of shame is to find safe people to share your past with and improve. Sometimes this might take the form of a friend or counselor. It can even be a psychic reader who can also offer you healing services and perspective. Real psychics understand the traumatic effects of shame on our relationships and the heaviness they hold in karmic debt and lessons. Many psychic readers find that most relationship issues stem from unhealed trauma stemming from shame.

As you work with your personal growth, you may find yourself taking steps back and forth. This is a natural rhythm with the release of shame. On a subconscious level, you have to wrestle both internally and externally to release the wounds and release them. This is trapped energy expressing itself. The key to this back and forth is not to punish yourself when this happens. Journal your feelings and listen deeply to what these lessons are trying to tell you. It is in learning these lessons that you will release the unhealed shame and transform it into self-love and self-respect.

Shame can also make you feel worthless and depressed. Using affirmations to correct your past beliefs can help transform this mindset. Consider working with a psychic keen on working with you as a spiritual coach as well as a psychic. They will help you with the spiritual lessons you need to learn while also working with you in the present with reprogramming your mind to be in a healthier alignment. It is never too late to remove past feelings of shame. Have patience and take each day one at a time and watch yourself heal for the better. 

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