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Why Negative Spirits Manifest & How To Rid Them

It's important to know that not everyone "asks" to be surrounded by negative spirits. A kind, loving, caring person can be swarmed by negative spirits that harass them. It is also important to know that even though a spirit cannot physically harm you, they can still act as your "subconscious" by putting things into your mind that aren't real, influence you to do things that are not in your nature and make you feel miserable and lost. They also condense a lot of negative energy in your atmosphere which makes it harder for you to release any energy, and it also makes it hard for you to hear your good spirits and common angels. It's also breeding grounds for demons if there are negative spirits lurking around, because demons like to heckle and harass bad spirits as well (no, they are never friends).

Spirits can be human and non human. They can be from living people, animals, elements, nature and the universe. Beings that come from the dead are angels, demons & ghosts. (contrary to popular belief) But angels are not always once human, they can be creations of the higher power and there are many different kinds.

So how can we avoid being swamped by negative spirits and how come they follow us, even though we think we do everything right? I've devised a list of steps for people requiring little activity, for all ages, genders, health statuses and belief systems.

Why Negative Spirits Bother Us

1. Because you, yourself have a bad spirit.

This is NOT your fault, and it is possible even for a great person. This does NOT make you a bad person either just because your spirit is bad, because what your spirit does, does not mean you do it physically. In fact, I have been told by my angel guides that all people have a bad spirit at some point, and it will be replaced at a certain time in our lives, and it is also possible for a good spirit to turn into a bad one. It is never too late or too early to ask for a new one if you suspect yours is bad. (Instructions below)

2. Because they hate that you're so kind!

Bad spirits are sinful by nature, they're full of envy, hate & greed. Kind ones are full of love, compassion & kindness and rarely commit any act of sins unless it is a true accident. (yes, spirits make mistakes too!) Bad spirits often see the kind things you do for people and this makes them angry. They also see how good of a person you are and hate how much affection you get, and they get jealous. They want what you have and somehow they think they can take all of that away from you if they just harass you. Bad spirits are master manipulators, however, they are NOT smart when challenged! (I know this from years of experience) So don't ever feel defeated, you are much stronger than they are.

3. You're hanging around the wrong crowd.

You will attract attention from negative beings, as well as retain negative energy when hanging out with the wrong people. Spirits both good and bad hang around like minded beings and people, so where there is trouble, drama, and bad apples, they pop right up.

4. You are very open about your weaknesses.

Bad spirits, as well as bad people, are very drawn to hanging around people who are very open about their weaknesses, because they are an easy target. Some examples, someone who posts a lot on facebook about their drama, someone who picks fights frequently at the bar, someone who loathes over the same things at work, or someone who womanizes or is openly unfaithful to their partners. This can also happen to people who brag openly about their wealth and achievements, because it falls under the line of bad spirits wanting to take what isn't theirs.

5. Self manifestation

This is fairly rare, however, there have been people I have ran into who have told me they "feared evil spirits" yet they are always doing something to constantly provoke them, such as getting out Ouija boards and cursing at them rather than simply telling them to leave, intruding on private properties and trespassing to "summon" certain beings, visiting locations such as landmarks where people often die or commit suicide to taunt alleged demons, etc. along with self victimization. These are some examples of self manifestation and a clear example of somebody "asking for it".

How to Rid & Avoid Negative Spirits

1. Replace Your Own Spirit (If you suspect it's bad)

This is probably one of the most important steps! If at any point you suspect or question that your spirit is bad, all you need to do is ask your guides and your higher power (if you have one). You do not need to ask a specialist unless you wish to. You could say something simple such as this: "I ask for assistance from my angels, as well as Arch Angel Michael and the Lord. I suspect that my spirit may be up to no good. If this is the case, I ask that with kindness and love in my heart, that you replace my sinful spirit with a new one. Make sure this spirit can do no harm and is kind and loving." If you do not believe in a God or angels or you are not sure, this is okay. Simply say something along the lines of "I feel as if my spirit is up to no good. I ask that it be removed from the goodness of my heart, and replaced with a kind and loving spirit and let it do no harm to the universe." during a meditation session. If you ask for this assistance and you have a great spirit, don't worry, it wont hurt them! In fact they'll hear you say that and they'll really appreciate what you just said, and your God and the angels will take that as a sign that you suspect something else is out of order and reach out to protect you.

2. Disappear! (in a spiritual sense)

If you suspect you are being harassed by spirits, one of my favorite things to do is an invisibility method. The great thing is, you will be invisible to negative spirits, but good ones, your angels and your loved ones will still be able to find you & see you, so no need to worry about that.

Relax your body and your mind, meditate if needed. Ask for the assistance of your guides and your God (if you have one). Imagine your body, in the exact position you are sitting, imagine where you are, your home, who lives in your home, and your entire town/city/province. Then imagine that you, your family, house, and your whole entire town has disappeared as if it were abandoned & demolished. Imagine the bad spirits looking around, dumbfounded and confused on what just happened and where you went. If you live on the top floor of an apartment or if the room you are in is upstairs, imagine the negative spirits that were in the top floor when you tumbled to the ground to their deaths when your house was demolished. After this imagination, then imagine you, your family, home & town is still perfectly visible to your loved ones, angels, and kind spirits. Imagine their happy faces and yours. Ask for thanks to those who gave you assistance during your protection prayer.

3. Consider finding a new social circle.

As stated before, negative beings WILL manifest if there are bad people around. If you are hanging around people that make you feel sad, insecure, angry, stressed or scared, it's time to consider replacing them. If your job is a bad situation, it might be time to change. If your relationship is failing, it might be time to consider leaving or seeing a family therapist. If hanging out with your friend is like walking on eggshells, or he always gets you in trouble, it's time to get a new one. These types of people always have negative beings hanging around them as they are like minded, which means bad news and chaos for everyone else around them.

4. Don't neglect your health and release your energy frequently.

I understand that not everyone can afford health insurance, but doing what you can afford such as eating as healthy as possible, staying active and keeping up with personal care can make a world of difference. Never neglect a health concern even if you think it may compromise you. Stressing about it will only manifest more negative energy and retain it. Also be sure to release energy by keeping yourself active and healthy.Anything negative happening in your body can attract negative beings, because you are vulnerable, so it's best not to neglect those concerns.

5. Don't provoke them.

Not everyone does this, however, I see it happening. Like stated before, sometimes people complain about being harassed by negative spirits, yet they're the ones that pester them to begin with, it's like throwing a rock at a rabid dog and crying when you get bitten. Don't make fun of them, name call, "summon", tease or challenge them. They take us very seriously and will come when called and stay until removed. There is no reason you need to be using Ouija boards, EVP apps & devices or other forms of communications to try and challenge them. Leave this up to your guides, angels and your higher power to remove them.

6. Removing negative spirits yourself

With removing negative spirits yourself you can get as creative as you want to! You also do not have to worry about harming good spirits, ghosts, angels or your loved ones as you do not have the power to harm these types of beings. Negative spirits operate on a different frequency than the other beings, so you can not damage anyone else. Think of any creative way you would like to remove them, from poisoning them, shooting them, or simply just taking them down to the underworld by hand.

Relax and meditate. Ask for the assistance of your guides, archangel Michael, your higher power. Let them know that you are removing these negative spirits and need their assistance in doing so. Imagine angels raining down from the sky to be on standby. Imagine yourself, imagine the bad spirits around you, imagine the way that you are removing these bad spirits. Imagine them dying and being sent to the underworld. Imagine that they are being replaced with new, loving ones that are kind, respectful and nurturing. Thank those who have assisted you in removing the spirits and those who have come to replace them. 

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